Electronic Arts



FIFA 20 Patch Notes 1.05 – New Update on October

FIFA 20 Patch Notes 1.05 – New Update on October
Another update has been released for FIFA 20, we have all the information about Update 1.05. FIFA 20 Update 1.05 is now available for download, for PC. You need to download 1 GB on the PS4, depending on the platform, the size of the download may be different. This update was released today for the PC version, the consoles get the update 1.05 today, October 16   FIFA 20 Patch Notes 1.05 – Update 10/15/2019 Gameplay (General): Made the following changes: Made a number of changes to Legendary AI Difficulty with the goal of making it more challenging: Improved the CPU AI Controlled Player’s ability to mark a player that is Strafe Dribbling. Improved the CPU AI Controlled Player’s ability to apply defensive pressure to the opponent’s ball carrier. Improved the CPU AI Controlled Player’s passing logic by allowing it to make smarter decisions when passing. This is intended to result in better passing target selection by the CPU AI Controlled ...