Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO has received a new update, there is a new mode and relief for rocket fights. Pokémon GO Update 0.163 is available now, in the Apple Store you can find the update under version 1.129.
Pokémon GO Update Update 0.163 / 1.129 Patch Notes
Team GO Rocket battles will now remember the last used Battle party. This is saved for each Team GO Rocket Grunt type and each Team Go Rocket Leader.
Added new winter loading screen
The Super Rocket Radar is no longer a deletable item, and will not count toward Bag space
New ways to interact with Buddy Pokémon
Bug Fixes
Improved considerable lag when selecting a Battle Party before combat or through Pokémon storage party tab
Fixed some Adventure Sync stability issues
Clicking the link to enable Adventure Sync on the fitness rewards screen now leads to the settings menu
Fixed Team GO Rocket music issues
Right-to-left languages now appear correctly when appraising ...
Pokémon GO: Update 0.137.1 Patch Notes - We have all details about the update
There are some new offer boxes in the Pokémon GO shop and really worth it. We will tell you why they are worth it and what you can expect inside.
With the latest update 0.133.0, Pokémon GO has changed some of the weather. New is, that from now on more Pokémon with weather bonus.