Riot Games
On September 20, a fresh update for Valorant Episode 5 Act 2 went live, including significant improvements to the Stinger and Pearl's map.
Valorant Update 3.02 - We have the details of the patch on July 20th - Game and Social Updates!
Valorant Astra update - We have all the information and the patch notes for update 2.08 on April 28.
Valorant Astra update - We have all the information and the patch notes for update 2.04 on March 4
Valorant update - We have all the information and the patch notes for update 2.03 on February 17
Valorant update - We have all the information and the patch notes for update 1.11 on October 28
Valorant update - We have all the information and the patch notes for update 1.09 on September 30
Valorant update - We have all the information and the patch notes for update 1.08 on September 15
Valorant competitive mode update - We have all the information and the patch notes for update 1.06 on August 20
Valorant competitive mode update - We have all the information and the patch notes for update 1.05 on August 4th
Valorant competitive mode update - We have all the information and the patch notes for update 1.03 on July 7th.
Valorant competitive mode update - We have all the information and the patch notes for update 1.02 on June 24th.
Riot Games released a new update for Valorant today. We’ll show you all the details about this update on June 2.
The Valorant update 1.01 is ready for download. is available now, it is a server patch. So you don’t have to download a patch.
With this update the new Spike Rush mode is added. There are also further optimizations and bug fixes.
Valorant Patch Notes 1.01 on June 9
Barrier Orb cast range reduced 20 >>> 10 meters
As a Sentinel, Sage is supposed to be most effective when defending territory that she already controls. The 20m cast range was allowing Sage to aggressively take control of neutral territory in a way that was inappropriate for her role in Valorant. This range reduction aims to keep her strong while defending territory but reduce her efficacy at taking ground.
Fixed several spots where weapons were falling through the world and issues with wall ...
Valorant closed beta update on June 2 - We have all the information about the update 1.00 and bug fixes.
Valorant closed beta update on May 14th - We have all the information about the update 0.50 and bug fixes.