Destiny 2: All Dead Ghost Quests Locations – Shadowkeep Guide

With the recent Destiny 2 update and the Shadowkeeper DLC not only new Region Chests have been implemented, there are also new Dead Ghosts to be found.

But there are differences to the previous Dead Ghosts, you can not just find them. You also need the quest for every Dead Ghost. To get a quest you need a “Lost Ghost Trace” item which drops from the chests, helium filaments or nightmare enemies on the moon.

Below we show you all the Dead Ghost quests and locations.


Dead Ghosts Quests Locations Guide – Destiny 2

Echo of the Great Disaster

The dead ghost is only there if you have the specific quest called “Echo of the Great Disaster” from Eris Morn.


First Crotas Team’s Fallen

The dead ghost is only there if you have the specific quest called “First Crotas Team’s Fallen” from Eris Morn.


Adonna’s Quest

The dead ghost is only there if you have the specific quest called “Adonna’s Quest” from Eris Morn.


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Written by: Carizma

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