elden ring cookbooks

Elden Ring cookbooks expand a player’s crafting library and provide recipes for Consumables and Ammunition. They’re essential for magic users and Elden Ring crafters. New Game+ stores cookbooks. Crafting requires a kit, available from Merchant Kalé in the Church of Elleh.

There’s a wide variety of cookbooks, locales, and crafting skills. Elden Ring’s various secret areas make it tough to find some cookbooks. Below is a table of cookbook names, handicraft repertoires, and locations.

Elden Ring making requires cookbooks, which are hard to find. Here are the item’s locations:

Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbooks and Locations

Cookbook # Crafting Repertoire Location
1 Bone Arrow, Bone Arrow (Fletched), Bone Bolt Purchasable from Merchant Kalé for 500 Runes.
2 Glowstone, Invigorating Cured Meat, Invigorating White Cured Meat Purchasable from Merchant Kalé for 500 Runes.
3 Pickled Turtle Neck, Poisonbone Arrow, Poisonbone Arrow (Fletched), Poisonbone Bolt Purchasable from Nomadic Merchant for 600 Runes in North Limgrave.
4 Fetid Pot, Roped Fetid Pot Acquired in southern Mistwood from a corpse laying on the side of a road near the Siofra River Well.
5 Beastlure Pot Purchasable from Nomadic Merchant for 1500 Runes in East Limgrave.
6 Blood Grease, Drawstring Blood Grease, Bloodbone Arrow, Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched), Bloodbone Bolt Lootable from a corpse at the top of the stairs in Fort Haight.
7 Stanching Boluses, Soft Cotton, Rainbow Stone Arrow Stormveil Castle on the outermost part of the collapsed bridge, held by a corpse.
8 Poison Grease, Drawstring Poison Grease Lootable from a corpse inside the Tombsward Cave.
9 Rancor Pot Behind an Imp Statue (Requires a Stonesword Key) within the Tombsward Catacombs.
10 Stormwing Bone Arrow Found on top of a corpse in Stormveil Castle. Go out the North Door from the Rampart Tower, onto the rooftop, and jump down to see two enemies. Whether you choose to defeat them is optional. The Cookbook will be directly across the bridge, on a dead body.
11 Crystal Dart, Spellproof Dried Liver, Shattershard Arrow Purchasable from Nomadic Merchant for 1500 Runes in Liurnia of the Lakes.
12 Cursed-Blood Pot Near the southernmost walls of Rose Church.

Nomadic Cookbooks and Locations – continued

Cookbook # Crafting Repertoire Location
13 Bone Great Arrow, Bone Great Arrow (Fletched), Bone Ballista Bolt Purchasable from Nomadic Merchant for 2000 Runes in Liurnia of the Lakes.
14 Poison Pot, Roped Poison Pot, Poisonbone Dart Laying on top of two dead bodies in Smoldering Church.
15 Rotbone Arrow, Rotbone Arrow (Fletched), Rotbone Bolt Purchasable from Nomadic Merchant for 4000 Runes in Caelid.
16 Thawfrost Boluses, Stimulating Boluses Purchasable from Nomadic Merchant for 2500 Runes in Ainsel River.
17 Soap, Oil Pot, Roped Oil Pot Purchasable from Nomadic Merchant for 1000 Runes in Siofra River.
18 Dappled Cured Meat, Dappled White Cured Meat Purchasable from Nomadic Merchant for 6000 Runes in Siofra River.
19 Sweet Raisin, Warming Stone Laying on the floor in a building within Woodfolk Ruins.
20 Volcano Pot, Roped Volcano Pot Purchasable from Nomadic Merchant for 3000 Runes in Mount Gelmir.
21 Alurring Pot Volcano Manor, go to the room that has Snails (located to the right of the lobby after traversing through the room with the dead body that has a Perfume Bottle). Once inside the Snail room, go to the left. There’s a dead body with the cookbook once reaching the end.
22 Rot Pot, Rot Grease, Drawstring Rot Grease Inside a chest in the west area of Lake of Rot.
23 Frozen Raisin, Clarifying Cured Meat, Clarifying White Cured Meat Laying on a corpse in the Consecrated Snowfield, north and past the Site of Grace.
24 Swarm Pot, Roped Fly Pot Laying on a dead body within Mohgwyn Palace. The corpse will be on the side of the cliffs south of the blood marsh.

Armorer’s Cookbooks and Locations in Elden Ring

Name and Number Crafting Repertoire Location
Armorer’s Cookbook 1 Fire Grease, Drawstring Fire Grease, Fireproof Dried Liver Northeast of Agheel Lake North Site inside a Kaiden Sellsword camp.
Armorer’s Cookbook 2 Firebone Arrow, Firebone Arrow (Fletched), Firebone Bolt, Neutralizing Boluses Purchasable from Nomadic Merchant for 600 Runes southeast of Coastal Cave
Armorer’s Cookbook 3 Exalted Flesh Purchasable from Nomadic Merchant for 2000 Runes in East Limgrave
Armorer’s Cookbook 4 Redmane Fire Pot The western gate of Redmane Castle
Armorer’s Cookbook 5 Immunizing Cured Meat, Immunizing White Cured Meat Inside of Redmane Castle. Go southwest of the castle and enter a door – there’s an outside section along with a ladder. Enter the door to the right to acquire the cookbook.
Armorer’s Cookbook 6 Preserving Boluses On top of a dead body on the edge of a cliff in the Siofra River
Armorer’s Cookbook 7 Giantsflame Fire Pot The first floor of Fort Laiedd in west Mount Gelmir

Glintstone Craftman’s Cookbooks and Locations

Name and Number Crafting Repertoire Location
Glintstone Craftman’s Cookbook 1 Cuckoo Glintstone Northwest of the Church of Irith, by an enemy outpost, a Noble will drop the cookbook
Glintstone Craftman’s Cookbook 2 Freezing Grease Lootable from a corpse nearby the Laskyar Ruins Site of Grace
Glintstone Craftman’s Cookbook 3 Albinauric Pot Inside a chest within Highway Lookout Tower
Glintstone Craftman’s Cookbook 4 Magic Pot, Roped Magic Pot, Shield Grease Inside a chest within a tower northwest of the Academy Gate Town Site of Grace
Glintstone Craftman’s Cookbook 5 Magic Grease, Drawstring Magic Grease, Magicbone Arrow, Magicbone Arrow (Fletched), Magicbone Bolt In a chest in the Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Raya Lucaria
Glintstone Craftman’s Cookbook 6 Freezing Pot Inside a room in Caria Manor, just southwest of the garden area
Glintstone Craftman’s Cookbook 7 Coldbone Arrow, Coldbone Arrow (Fletched), Coldbone Bolt Purchasable from Pidia in Caria Manor
Glintstone Craftman’s Cookbook 8 Academy Magic Pot On top of a corpse within the Consecrated Grounds southwest of Albinauric’s Rise.

Missionary’s Cookbooks and Locations

Name and Number Crafting Repertoire Location
Missionary’s Cookbook 1 Holy Water Pot, Roped Holy Water Pot Purchasable for 1000 Runes from Merchant Kalé
Missionary’s Cookbook 2 Scriptstone, Grace Mimic, Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot Purchasable via Patches for 800 Runes
Missionary’s Cookbook 3 Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot There are two corpses in Smoldering Church; the cookbook will be on top of one of them.
Missionary’s Cookbook 4 Holy Grease, Drawstring Holy Grease, Haligbone Arrow, Haligbone Arrow (Fletched), Haligbone Bolt Within the Capital section of Minor Erdtree Church
Missionary’s Cookbook 5 Sacred Order Pot On top of a corpse in the round, circle area of the Siofra Aqueduct
Missionary’s Cookbook 6 Holyproof Dried Liver It’s on top of a corpse behind a door. When arriving at the Temple of Eiglay Site of Grace, take the lift and go up. Follow the pathway, then go down where the lava is. Go across the bridge, drop to the lowest area to your left, and progress through the pathway. There will be a Pendulum Statue Enemy. Its defeat is optional, but once passed, go through the window and drop the ladder that’s close to the door. Keep progressing downward to find the corpse.
Missionary’s Cookbook 7 Rejuvenating Boluses Purchasable for 7500 Runes by Nomadic Merchant in the east Mountaintops of the Giants

Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbooks and Locations

Name and Number Crafting Repertoire Location
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook 1 Lightning Grease, Drawstring Lightning Grease, Lightningbone Arrow, Lightningbone Arrow (Fletched), Lighningbone Bolt On top of a corpse in Wyndham Catacombs, inside a room that’s behind some rusty beams. To get here, go underneath the lifting ground in the same room as the ceiling with spikes.
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook 2 Lightning Pot, Roped Lightning Pot Purchasable from a merchant between Writhblood Ruins and Minor Erdtree
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook 3 Dragonwound Grease Sitting on top of a dead body underneath the dragon’s chest in the Cathedral of Dragon Communion.
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook 4 Ancient Dragonbolt Pot, Lightningproof Dried Liver After slaying the dragon on top of the roof of Crumbling Farum Azula, the cookbook will be behind a building

Perfumer’s Cookbooks and Locations in Elden Ring

Name and Number Crafting Repertoire Location
Perfumer’s Cookbook 1 Spark Aromatic, Uplifting Aromatic In the Perfumer’s Ruins, inside the first chest.
Perfumer’s Cookbook 2 Poison Spraymist, Bloodboil Aromatic On the roof of The Shaded Castle, a sitting dead body is found with the cookbook on it.
Perfumer’s Cookbook 3 Ironjar Aromatic Go to Auriza Side Tomb – unlock the transporter chest. Doing so will teleport you into a room with a dead body, which has the cookbook on top of it.
Perfumer’s Cookbook 4 Acid Spraymist Purchasable for 3000 Runes from Nomadic Merchant in Ainsel River

Fevor’s Cookbooks and Locations in Elden Ring

Name and Number Crafting Repertoire Location
Fevor’s Cookbook 1 Sleep Pot In the graveyard on the border of Summonwater Village, on top of a dead body
Fevor’s Cookbook 2 Soporific Grease, Drawstring Soporific Grease, Sleepbone Arrow, Sleepbone Arrow (Fletched), Sleepbone Bolt Purchasable for 3500 Runes from the merchant on the eastside entrance of the Academy of Raya Lucaria
Fevor’s Cookbook 3 Bewitching Branch Granted to the player by Gideon Ofnir as a reward upon going to Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum

Frenzied’s Cookbooks and Locations in Elden Ring

Name and Number Crafting Repertoire Location
Frenzied’s Cookbook 1 Clarifying Boluses On top of a corpse in a house in Frenzied Flame Village
Frenzied’s Cookbook 2 Frenzyflame Stone Near the Forsaken Site of Grace Cathedral. A secret pathway can be found within the Omen’s boss arena by fighting an alter. From here, descend then drop to the lowest setting when you reach the rafters. A dead body will emerge sitting, with the cookbook on top.


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Written by: verena smith

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