There are many collectibles to be found in Nioh 2. To complete the game with 100% and unlock the platinum trophy, you must also find all 150 Kodamas.
In this guide we show you all Kodama locations in the Soaring Region. As in every region, you can find 25 Kodamas. You can’t miss any of these collectibles, if you miss a Kodama location, you can still collect it later.
A general explanation of the Kodama collectibles and an overview of all locations, can be found here.
Nioh 2 – Soaring Region Kodamas Locations
The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama
In this area you can find 7 Kodamas.
The Mysterious One Night Castle
In this area you can find 7 Kodamas.
A Hot-blooded Howl
In this area you can find 5 Kodamas.
The Hollow Fortress
In this area you can find 6 Kodamas.