Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Deal with the Pillagers – Side Mission

Deal with the Pillagers is a side mission in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. In this guide we show you how to complete the mission.

Region: Kuwaq Yaku
Reward: River Hawk Pistol, Unwelcome Guests (trophy/achievement)

This side mission starts in Kuwaq Yaku, it’s the first side mission in the game. Speak to an NPC in the bar, then the side mission will appear on your map. You will then see another NPC being knocked down a flight of stairs. The mission starts with him.

Talk to Omar, Talk to Marco, no big deal.

Marco is looking for someone to step in for his son, Lara of course accepts this job offer and goes to the construction site. On the way you meet Pablo, Marcos son, who is a bit confused. After a short dialogue, Lara promises to take care of the bad guys.

At the worksite, you must now defeat the opponents. Then you go back to the bar to receive your reward from Marco.

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Deal with the Pillagers – Video Guide

Written by: Carizma

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