The Anthem community is divided into two parts before the release of the game. This is due to supposedly harmless animals called Grabbits.
Anthem – Grabbits cute or scary?
The debate in the Communtiy of Anthem huge. The players have been harmonious so far, but at Grabbits the funny time just stops.
What are Grabbits? The colorful creatures, hopping through the biotope of Anthem. They have noticeably large, colorful feelers on their heads and look rather shy.
Grabbits are about the size of a dog and are a crazy mix of squirrel, fox, lizard and moth. They are even kept as pets, but are suspected of stealing things and hoarding them. Hence the name: Grabbits.
Take care, if you approach the animals too fast with your Javelin, you startle them and make them run away very fast. If you approach them cautiously, you soon hear a cooing and can watch the Grabbits throw themselves on their backs and roll up.
Protect them or butcher? Whats the right way?
Some find Grabbits simply cute: Many have closed Grabbits directly into their hearts. They would not bend a feeler for these beings. These players even want to be able to stroke the Grabbits as a feature.
The others see in Grabbits come directly from hell: The other faction can not see anything cute in Grabbits.You only see the octopus beak in the face of the Grabbits. This is also still riddled with razor-sharp, pointed teeth. You ask yourself: how can you not find this cruel and scary?
Developers warn the community against Grabbits
Will the goblins take revenge? Of course, the conflict did not pass BioWare. After it became known that more than 2 million Grabbits had been slaughtered in the VIP demo, lead producer Gamble wrote the following tweet: “Maybe the Grabbits will one day rise.
Fans now rumor that BioWare has prepared a gigantic Grabbits boss fight. Some even believe that a Grabbits boss will be the suprise of the open demo on Sunday.
To which party do you belong to? Share your thoughts with us! Use the comments below!