Respawn Entertainment released an Apex Legends Server Update a few hours ago. This is a pure server update, you do not have to download any data.
This Apex Legends update is mostly about balance enhancements and Legend adjustments with Season 1. Specifically, adjustments will be made to two of the community’s most popular weapons, the Wingman and the Peacekeeper.
Revised with the new update, among others, the Wingman. The firing rate has been reduced from 3.1 to 2.6 shots per second and the headshot multiplier has been reduced from 2.5 to 2.25.
In addition, there are some bug fixes that could lead to the crash of the game.
Below you will find the patch notes for the update. There is no information yet when Apex Legends Patch 1.05 (PS4) will be released.
Server Update Patch Notes of March 7th
Major balance changes:
- Hit box size reductions and optimizations for Caustic, Pathfinder and Gibraltar
- We’re better sizing hitboxes to character gear & model
- Since these adjustments have a MAJOR impact on the game, we want to make sure there aren’t any major bugs, so we didn’t want to rush them out
- If these adjustments prove to be insufficient, we’ll consider additional adjustments during Season 1
Apex Legends – Patch Notes Update
Minor balance changes:
- Caustic
- Traps – Reduced cooldown to 25 seconds from 30 seconds
- Traps – Increased radius and proximity radius by about 10%
- Traps – Removed a 1 second delay on the smoke dealing damage to players
- Pathfinder
- Insider Knowledge – Increased the number of beacons in the world to 12 from 10
- Lifeline
- Care Package – Removed slight chance that level 4 armor and helmets will drop
- Wraith
- Into The Void – Cooldown increased from 20 -> 25 seconds
- Bangalore
- Double Time – Reduced move speed bonus to 30% from 40%
Source: Reddit