Studio Wildcard has released a new update for Ark Survival Evolved, the matching patch notes can be found below.
The Ark Update 1.92 has different version numbers:
- PS4: 535.0
- Xbox One: 786.10
Ark Survival Evolved will receive Part 4 from this update on Eggcellent Adventure. It will be live from April 16th to the end of April 30th. This campaign adds new content to players to spend their time.
Ark Survival Evolved Patch Notes 1.92
Eggcellent Adventure 4 (2019)!
- Auto Activates 4/16-4/30
- Not supported in Primitive Plus mode
- Wild Bunny Oviraptors
- 50% of wild Oviraptors (33% of wild Aberrant Dodos on Aberration) are Bunny Oviraptors
- Cannot be tamed
- NEW! Drop Easter Candy as they spread Easter joy!
- Feed your candy to your tame for a fun festive effect!
- Wild Bunny Dodos
- 50% of wild Dodos (33% of wild Aberrant Dodos on Aberration) are Bunny Dodos
- Cannot be tamed
- Drop Easter Eggs as they spread Easter joy!
- Easter Eggs
- Can be placed in the world and painted
- Easter Skins
- Craftable in the Cooking Pot from Easter Eggs
- Bunny Ears Skin
- Procoptodon Bunny Costume
- NEW! Marshmallow Dodo Hat
- NEW! Chocolate Bunny Club
- Egg Shell Hat
- Chick Hat
- Wild creatures have a chance to spawn with additional colors: Green, Magenta, Yellow, and Blue
- Drastically reduce frost breath range
- Freezing stops at approximately turret range
- Damage stops at approximately half turret range
- Fixed inability to craft Primitive+ specific resources in the forge
- Fixed inability to harvest coal from obsidian
- Fixed inability to harvest beeswax
- Fixed problems with beehive functionality
- Cauldron/Industrial Cooker can now craft new kibble
- New kibble is now functional on dinos
- Desert Titan now requires line-of-sight to do melee or lightning damage
- Prevented cryoing Karkinos while they are carrying something
- Fixed exploit related to Rockwell Tentacles
- Fixed exploit related to Tek Swords
- Fixed exploit related to Fish Baskets
- Aberration
- Fixed issue with blue mushrooms not allowing Ankylo to harvest properly
Platform Saddle
- Enable platform build limits saddles PlatformSaddleBuildAreaBoundsMultiplier, can be used to increase this radius on unofficials
- Prevent platform Saddles counting towards the max turret limit
- Now properly supports Weapons on Humans!
- Adjusted Desert Titan’s dermis offset
- Icon Iteration
- Fixed LODs for Tek Triangle Roof
- Setup colorization for Fence Foundation
- Setup colorization for Wood Railing
- Added a hard clamp to damage reflection
- Fix preferred kibble
GPS Transponders
- Fixed transponders disappearing
- Placed Transponder Node no longer scales up after restart
Mind Wipe
- Updated description of Mind Wipe to reflect 24-hour cooldown
Rendering Artifacts
- Fixed rendering artifact in Scorched Earth Dust Storm
- Fixed rendering artifact in Extinction Ascension
- Cryosick dinos are no longer able to attack
- Now use players in-game name in the tribe log
Industrial Cooker
- Now supports pulling water from any connected source
- Never auto-activates when connected to water
- Removed GlobalCuddleFoodList Override array
- Use FastTurretTargeting system automatically for anything moving faster than 300 cm/s
Sloped Wooden Wall
- Adjusted Left Sloped Wooden Wall to fit better with attaching to a normal wall
- Can now place C4 near ORP protected structures, except near foundations
Dino Leash
- Dino leashes no longer can be placed near enemy foundations
- Fix for lod issue for flak
- Fix for lod issue for Ghillie
LOD iteration for
- Basilisk
- Doedicurus Saddle
- Mammoth Saddle
The resources still dont convert into steel or brick.
Steel still doesnt work. The stuff goes in forge now but doesnt convert into steel or bricks