Ark Survival Evolved has received a new update, Patch 1.87 is now available for the PS4. This is the patch version 783.12 for Xbox One and 292,100 for PC. A new event will be added for Valentine’s Day.
Ark Survival Evolved’s Valentine’s Day event starts on February 12th and lasts until February 18th.
Ark Survival Evolved Update Version 1.87 / 783.12 Patch Notes
Version: v532.0
Valentine’s Day Event!
- Auto Activates from 2/12 – 2/18 for non-TCs
- Run with ActiveEvent=vday to toggle manually
- Event Rates:
- 2x Mating/Mate boost Range
- 3x Mating Speed/Mating Recovery
- 3x Baby/Egg Maturation Speed
- 1/3rd Baby Food Consumption
- Event Details:
- Dino color spawns: Creatures have a 20% chance to spawn with holiday themed colors
- When mating, creatures have a 25% chance to drop an item. That item has a 50/50 chance to be one of the following:
- Valentines Chocolate: Restore full HP, or knock 40% off a Dino’s Tame Bar
- Valentines Candy: Random dino colors
- Ice Breath damage is now scaled by distance to the target
- Improvements to situations where Managarmrs float away
- Whistle Follow or Whistle Stop will order the Managarmr to stop their active ability and return to ground
- Reduced Ice Breath freeze amount
- Increased time between Freeze Debuffs
- Fix for exploit related to Rafts
- Fix for exploit related to Tek Gloves
- Fix for exploit related to Owl and babies
- Fix for exploit related to Owl
- Fix for exploit related to Desert Titan lightning
- Fix for exploit related to Ladders
- Fix for exploit related to Chairs
- Environment memory improvements
Ice Titan
- Have Ice Titan consider more targets as a leapable-enemy
Desert Titan
- Fix for Desert Titan sometimes freezing/refusing to move during boss fight
- Fix for Desert Titan occasionally flying out of world bounds
- Untamed Desert Titan ground targeted lightning attack will now have a variable delay
- Removed Burning debuff that the lightning field puts on enemies
- Reduced damage to structures from melee attacks
- Added “Enable Mating” under Behavior dial on Dinos, wandering is no longer required to mate
- Change dino hover UI to read “Enable Wander or Mating to Mate” instead of “Enable Wander to Mate”
- Moved chatbox down to lower left corner
- Increased Bullet/Arrow stack size to 100 (from 50).
- Reduced Auto/Heavy turret inventory size roughly 40%, to accommodate ammo stack change (results in slight increase of max # of bullets they can store)
- Finish increasing tribe group rank limit from 5 to 10
- A player can not accept alliance invites unless they are tribe admin
- Alliance invites and new tribes added or removed from alliances is now logged in the Tribe Log.
- Tooltips now contain the stats of the dino
- Mating timer now advances while in a Cryopod unless the Cryopod is transferred, then it is reset to respect the new server’s MatingIntervalMultiplier
- Baby aging is paused while in a Cryopod
- Baby imprinting is paused while in a Cryopod
- Baby gestation is aborted when entering a Cryopod
Air Conditioner
- Reduced Air Conditioning SFX radius
Plant Y
- No longer affects Quetz and Karkinos
Plant Z
- Stun cooldown increased vs dinos, 5 seconds -> 7.5 seconds
- Halved torpidity decrease rate
- You can now struggle to get out of bola faster
- Added [ServerSettings] ItemStackSizeMultiplier to allow increasing or decreasing item stack size
- Added [/Script/ShooterGame.ShooterGameMode] ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity to allow manually overriding item stack size on a per-item basis
Mesh Memory Optimizations
- Doedicurus
- Parasaur Saddle
- Rex Saddle
- Sauropod Saddle
- Various Particle Meshes
Particle Memory Optimizations
- Dino Leash
- Fixed missing Bionic skins