The patch notes for Battlefield 5 (BF5) Update 1.16 (May 23) are now available to players on PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One. According to the official Patch Notes for Battlefield V Update 1.16, the new update brings changes to Halvøy’s Firestorm Map. Apart from that, the patch has also made some changes to the lighting of soldiers in dark areas to improve visibility.
As this is a zero-downtime update, you will need to log out of the game when the update is available for your platform to download it and update your client. Schedule is as follows:
- PC: Starting at 0800 UTC / 1AM PDT / 0900 BST / 6PM AEST
- PS4: Starting at 0900 UTC / 2AM PDT / 1000 BST / 7PM AEST
- Xbox One: Starting at 1000 UTC / 3AM PDT / 1100 BST / 8PM AEST
More Details coming soon, below you will find the complete Patch Notes 1.16.
Battlefield V Update 4 – Patch Notes 1.16
- Added the reloading icon which was missing when using the Churchill MK VII 95MM Howitzer specialization.
- Fixed an issue which would cause players to fall slightly below the ground when going into the bleed out state after getting killed while in a plane.
- Improved the turning rates for planes. Bombers should no longer be able to out-turn fighter planes.
- Fixed a bug that would cause airplanes to not resupply under certain conditions.
- Changed irreparable damage multiplier on rocket vs fighter from 1.8 to 0.18. This fixes the issue of rockets dealing a too high percentage of their damage as irreparable damage when damaging fighters. This change now brings rockets in line with other forms of damage, and players will be able to self-repair their fighter planes after getting hit by a rocket.
- Fixed an issue that would randomly cause camera shakes and bumps when in a tank in first person view.
- While in a vehicle the splash damage indicators that appear when damage is taken from anti- tank weapons now show the correct direction.
- Passengers that exit your tank no longer block your shots while playing the entry/exit animation state.
- New visual dust effects have been added when tanks fire their main cannons.
- Fixed a bug that would enable the JU-88 A to automatically get resupplied without passing the resupply station.
- Improved the animation when a player jumps out of the JU-88 A. The camera will now have smoother movement and less stutter when the exit animation plays.
Weapons, Gadgets, and Specializations
- Fixed an issue that was causing sight misalignment when using the Mint or Gold plated skins on the EMP.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the weapon model to not show in third person if the player switching between weapons and gadgets in a rapid succession.
- Fixed an issue with the MAS 44 which would make the magazine invisible in third person view if a certain combination of skins was used.
Maps & Modes
- Removed a placeholder box from the Practice Range.
- Firestorm – Altered the map and added three new distinct locations: Watchtowers, Excavation Site, and Blue Forest.
- Firestorm – Fixed multiple clipping issues, floating objects and other minor graphical artifacts.
- Firestorm – Fixed an issue where players in some cases could get disconnected from the server when deploying in the hangar while in a Squad.
- Firestorm: Artillery Strike shells will no longer land very close to the edge of the threat area. Players outside of the minimap threat area were previously able to take damage from the strike despite the UI telling them they were safe.
- Combined Arms – The Squad leader will no longer get stuck in the menu when attempting to
- repeat a mission if the squad members have left the game.
- Combined Arms – The outro cinematic is no longer affected by bullets and explosions which would cause screen shake.
- Aerodrome – Improved the capture area on Flag A when playing Conquest.
- Aerodrome – Players will no longer be able to climb up on top of the hangar near Flag E when playing Conquest.
- Arras – Added bullet penetration to the leaves and branches of the big tree close to flag A on Conquest.
- Arras – Removed a magical ladder inside a house that would teleport players. That had to go.
- Devastation – Players can no longer get stuck between the railing and the window canopy near objective A on Conquest.
- Devastation – Players should no longer be able to catch fire through certain walls if there is a fire on the other side of them.
- Narvik – Fix for a floating PAK 40 when playing the Breakthrough mode.
- Hamada – Added bullet penetration to a certain bush that was previously bulletproof.
- Hamada – Added more Tank supply stations on the outer points on Conquest.
- Hamada – Players will no longer be able to hide below the ground near the D flag when playing Conquest.
- Hamada – Players can no longer get stuck in the gap on the ruined wall near F flag.
- Hamada – Added the missing collision on a small area of the bridge which could result in soldiers falling down.
- Panzerstorm – The fuel tank near capture point D on Grand Operations – Airborne no longer clips with the ammo resupply station.
- Rotterdam – The ammo supply station no longer clips with the boxes which made the station difficult to use.
- Rotterdam – Fixed a few sandbags that would remain floating in mid-air if the object below it was destroyed.
- Rotterdam – The destroyed artillery cannon no longer clips with the ammo resupply station near capture point B when playing Grand Operations.
- War Stories – Players that have an eye for details might want to play the War Stories one more time.
UI/HUD/Options/Assignments/Other Changes
- Weapons earned through class progression are now properly unlocked even if the player leaves mid-round.
- Fixed a bug with the scoring so that Enemy Hit is back to a maximum of 100 points.
- Fixed missing descriptions on some items in the Armory.
- Fixed the third person bleed out timer on the revive icon to properly show the bleed out rate.
- Rush Dog Tags are now properly unlocked once earned.
- The bronze Dog Tag for the P08 Carbine Pistol is now properly unlocked if earned.
- The Kar98k now has an image and name when the default muzzle is selected in the customize weapons screen.
- The “Play Firestorm” daily order now tracks progression properly.
- Fixed an issue that would cause players to not see Combat Traits under the “Your Company” if the player had just played the Practice Range.
- When players are directly looking at a visible enemy within 8m, the enemy name tag will be visible for that player only, similar to previous Battlefield titles.
- The camera no longer goes under the ground for a second if the match ends while the player is on the deploy screen.
- War Stories – The Last Tiger – Fixed a bug where in some cases the War Letters were not properly counted which would make it not possible to unlock the Tank skin reward.
- Fixed a rare bug where the deploy timer would get stuck, making it not possible to spawn.
- Finer mouse sensitivity (basic control options screen) adjustment – use the keyboard arrow buttons to adjust the mouse sensitivity for soldiers and vehicles by decimals.
- Fixed the bug where clicking with the mouse on the numeric part of a slider widget would cause the profile option to be reset to 0.
- Firestorm – Added 3 scoring events to Firestorm, for when a squad mate downs, kills or squad wipes enemies.
- Tweaked scoring events for Final Position and Wins in Firestorm: from 50, 100, 150 and 500/750/1000 (squad/duo/squad) to 200, 500, 1000 and 1250/1250/1250.
- Tweaked “Last 32/16/8” scoring event for Firestorm: from 50, 100, 150 to 200/500/1000.
- A pizza baker was experimenting with new flavors, when he suddenly had an awful idea. He decided to use pineapple as topping. Having served it to his friend, the reaction was simply “Ha! Why?” – thus, the pizza was named Hawaii.
- Various crash fixes and improvements to stability.
- Fixed a specific crash that was causing instability when using Spectator mode.
PC-Specific Improvements
- Added compatibility between direct melee lean buttons and the melee/bayonet ones when using a gamepad on PC.
- Firestorm – Improved visibility through aperture sights when running the game on low settings.
- Made the left and right scroll arrows fit with the progression tiles on the Profile screen.
- The Squad Reinforcements screen button indicators in the Squad widget now changes if the player uses custom button mappings.
- Players can now equip items in the customization menu with the keyboard.
- The future frame rendering is no longer automatically set to off if players choose another graphical preset besides automatic quality options which will turn this setting off.
- Soldier and vehicle mouse sensitivity sliders (in the basic control options screen) can now be tuned at a finer step by using the left/right keys.
Source: Reddit