Treyarch has released a new update to Black Ops 4. It is a pure server update, you do not have to download a patch, only your online client will be updated shortly!
Hot Pursuit puts 3 new vehicles in blackout mode, which are equipped with their own special abilities.
In addition, the weapons suction 9mm and Annihilator were changed and much more. Below you will find the official patch notes for the Black Ops 4 update.
- Hot Pursuit now live in Blackout on all platforms
- Saug 9mm tuning changes in Multiplayer
- Annihilator tuning changes in Multiplayer and Blackout
- Zero added as playable Specialist to in competitive play
- Drone Squad, Sniper’s Nest, and Strike Team Scorestreaks now restricted in competitive play
- Players are now kicked for intentional teamkilling in League Play Events
- Outrider’s Outfit Unlock mission now available in Blackout on Xbox One and PC
- Additional support for new “MKII” weapons added to Zombies on Xbox One and PC
All Platforms
- Weapon Tuning
- Saug 9mm
- Stock: Increased ADS move speed to pre-1.13 patch values.
- Saug 9mm
- Specialists
- Seraph
- Reduced Annihilator fire rate.
- Reduced Annihilator earn rate.
- Increased Tac-Deploy insertion score from +15 to +30 points.
- Seraph
World League Hub
- League Play
- CWL Ruleset Updates
- Zero added to playable Specialist list in CWL ruleset.
- Drone Squad, Sniper’s Nest, and Strike Team Scorestreaks are now restricted in CWL ruleset.
- Players are now kicked for intentional teamkilling in League Play.
- CWL Ruleset Updates
- Weapon Tuning
- Annihilator
- Reduced fire rate.
- Annihilator
- Miscellaneous
- Addressed a visual issue with weapons equipped with Gold Master Camo that have been acquired from the Mystery Box.
Xbox One & PC
- Hot Pursuit
- Hot Pursuit added as the Featured Playlist.
- 3 new vehicles added: SUV, PBR, and Muscle Car, as well as police variants of the helicopter and ATV.
- New vehicles have special abilities to give players a competitive advantage at the risk of greater exposure.
- Muscle Cars have the ability to spot nearby Supply Stashes and Supply Drops.
- Police vehicles have built-in Sensor Dart functionality when their police sirens are activated, as well as the ability to detect enemy-occupied Muscle Cars.
- Supply Stashes and Supply Drops occur more frequently than normal.
- Players respawn with each circle collapse as long as one teammate is still alive when the next Collapse occurs. Respawns are disabled at the final Collapse.
- Players respawn with an MX9 and Armor.
- Last team standing wins the game.
- Outfit Unlock Missions
- Outrider
- “The Numbers” Outfit Unlock mission now available by finding the Tactical Cap and completing the mission requirements.
- Outrider
- Additional “MKII” Weapon Support
- Added support for new “MKII” weapons in Zombies (Swat RFT, Daemon 3XB, KAP 45).
Source: Reddit