Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Update Version 1.10 has been released for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The version number 1.10 comes from the PS4 version, depending on the platform, this number may be different.
Todays update added free DLC including Randomizer and Zangetsu. In addition, some bugs in the game have been fixed.
Bloodstained: Update Version 1.10 Patch Notes
Release of Randomizer and Zangetsu
Speedrun crash fix
Headless Miriam fix
Player floating after pausing the game while on moving objects.
Force Feedback would remain active after defeating Bloodless or Vepar
Left/Right controls would be active at the same time on rare occasions
Camera going out of bounds while collecting some shards
Issue with Bael when parrying attack
Issue when casting shards while jumping
UI window visible during room transitions
Loss of functionality while at the shop