Gunfire Games has released Update Version 1.09 for Darksiders 3, Patch 1.09 is ready for download for all platforms.
Darksiders III Update 1.09 has fixed a problem with the crucible token. The last boss that was not loaded for some players has also been fixed in this update.
Darksiders III Update Version 1.09 will also make changes to some features, such as: For example, you can change the level of difficulty when starting Armageddon mode.
Darksiders III 1.09 Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
- The Crucible will now award tokens again.
- Fixed an issue, where the final boss would not correctly load for some players.
- Difficulty can now be switched when starting Armageddon mode. This means the previous playthrough’s difficulty does not affect the Armageddon save’s difficulty. This allows for the collection of the “Death Incarnate”(Complete the game on Apocalyptic difficulty) in subsequent New Game + playthroughs even if the previous playthroughs were played at a difficulty lower than “Apocalyptic”.
to be honest part 3 is not up to the expectation ! previous games were way better.