The developers of “Dauntless” have today released a new update, Client Patch 1.04 (PS4) is now available for download.
The download of this update is only 295 MB on the PS4, you have to download and install it.
Dauntless Patch Notes 1.04 / 0.8.2A
- Fixed a bug that caused some Slayers to crash when loading into Ramsgate after a hunt. This should decrease the number of crashes that happen in this situation. Please continue to report crashes if you encounter them.
- War pike users can get stuck in the Piercing Fury combo finisher. We are digging into what the cause of this might be.
There is a glitch with the axe ability “grim onslaught” sometimes when you throw the axe it cant be picked back up, causing slayers to wait the timer for the axe to come back. This is an issue on ps4 and xbox one. Not sure about PC
Yes, I’m encountering this bug on xbox, sometimes as frequently as every other match. This is practically game breaking for axe players and has been going on for almost a month now. Please address this issue. I’m currently having second thoughts about next seasons hunt pass if this is not addressed.
Not PSN. Can’t get into game servers after patch. Was playing fine til it forced me to update. Now it’s broken.
They are back up
When Iupdated it it kicked my PlayStation network
Yes, you are not alone. PSN is currently down, there are problems that affect us all.
Some real grade A horse shizz going on here. I was literally just playing this and now I can’t. Not helping me enjoy this game with all these crashes and game ending glitches. Man someone needs to get over there and help these guys seriously.
Psn update installed .
7.555Gb Dauntless update ,don’t you mean? That’s what iis downloading on my PS4.
Have you fixed the loot system? Am i actually going to get shadow spurs from breaking shrowds feet more often than aetheric claws or corrupted voidclaws, i mean the two i mention are supposed to be rare and the spurs common, but i have almost 200 of these and only a couple of spurs!!?
Same, cant log into the game…..
It seems PSN is down for the moment
Same here I can’t log on
PSN Services are down, i have problem with prtys and gaming
I just downloaded it, and now I can’t log into the game servers.
It seems PSN is currently down
Also heres everything about the new update:
Dauntless version 1.04 added stuttering and lag fixes.
Fixed issue with textures.
Fixed low framerate issues with Dauntless patch 1.04.
Added fixes for some minor glitches.
Performance and stability improvements added with Dauntless 1.04.
Various under the hood improvemen
Psn is down lol what timing
For me it’s just dauntless