Behavior Interactive today released a new Hotfix Update for Dead by Daylight. We have all information about this hotfix patch on May 12th.
The Dead by Daylight Update 1.92 can now be downloaded and installed. This hotfix update only contains bug fixes.
Dead by Daylight Patch Notes 1.92 – Update 3.7.2
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers or Survivors to be stuck in a dropped pallet location.
- Fixed an issue that caused the user to be stuck when hooking or unhooking a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused Meg to fly off the hook after being hooked a second time in the Tutorial.
- The Cannibal: Fixed an issue that caused the chainsaw SFX to stay active after destroying a pallet.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Entity Blockers to be invisible and have no smoke VFX after vaulting through a window 3 times.
- The Nurse: Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be unable to blink in most of the Chapel.
- Fixed an issue that caused the animation of the Hillbilly’s chainsaw attack to display incorrectly when hitting a wall.
- Fixed an issue that caused Stalking as Ghost Face and revealing Ghost Face as a Survivor to be difficult when hiding in tall grass.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Undetectable status to trigger as soon as the Killer stopped moving when using the perk Insidious.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Offerings on the offering screen to be displayed smaller.
- Fixed an issue that caused some generators to be unable to be damaged by the Killer from certain angles.
- The Nightmare: Fixed an issue that caused Pallet remains to not be cleared when the Nightmare puts down a Dream Pallet.
- Fixed an issue that caused the perk Head-On to deactivate if another Survivor is grabbed from a locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Huntress’ hatchets’ addon on-hit effects to not work.
Source: deadbydalight
Amm acabo de comprar el juego en la ps4 y esta todo bloqueado me aparece nadamas el tutorial
Fix matchmaking in ps4 pls
Please fix PS4 matchmaking please
I agree. They take like 5mins-30
Yea the match making is horrible for this game I hate waiting 10min to find a match even if I have a full squad!
The primary reason it takes awhile is because people don’t play killer as much as they play survivor that is something this game has struggled with for awhile so you could have 3 separate full squads queuing at once but only one or two killers
Cartez, I know it sucks to wait but it is way better then it used to be. My wife and I would wait an hour for a match (that’s the longest) but the average was 30 to 40 mins. So they have fixed it and it is significantly better than it was.
Fix matchmaking! For the love of God my friends and I can’t even play the game.
But y’all still ain’t gonna fix the matchmaking please trust me your losing players on ps4 even lost me bc I’m done waiting 7+ minutes for a game