The Dead by Daylight Update 3.2.0 has now been transferred from PTB to the Live Server. We have all the information about this update on the 17th of September.
Dead by Daylight Patch 1.72 is now ready for download, for PS4, PC and Xbox One.
Dead by Daylight Patch Notes 1.72 – Update 3.2.0
- Feature – Added 2 new Status Effects; Oblivious (Survivor) and Undetectable (Killer). Currently, these status effects are applied to the new Killer, The Demogorgon, and The Nightmare.
- Oblivious: The Survivor is oblivious to the imminent danger of a nearby Killer. They do not hear The Killer’s terror radius and they are not considered as being within the terror radius for power or perk effects.
- Undetectable: The Killer enters a stealth-like mode which suppresses their red stain and terror radius, and blocks all Survivor aura-reading abilities.
- Content – Added a new Killer (The Demogorgon).
- Content – Added a new Survivor (Nancy Wheeler).
- Content – Added a new Survivor (Steve Harrington).
- Content – Added a new map (The Underground Complex – Hawkins National Laboratory).
- Content – Added support for 2 new languages: Latin American Spanish and Turkish.
- Merged “Survive Your Friends” grouping functionality into “Play As Survivor” flow.
- Friends List – See who is online and invite them to play or request to join an existing party, all from within the game.
- In-Game Notifications – Notifications for incoming invites, requests to join, and players joining / leaving your party.
- Survivor Parties now stay together between games – No need to re-invite after each match!
The Nightmare
- The Nightmare now applies the Oblivious status effect to Survivors when he brings them into the Dream World and they remain Oblivious for the entire duration that they spend in the Dream World. This is indicated to Survivors by the status effect icon on the right side of the screen. This change makes it so that The Nightmare has a constant 32 meter terror radius, however, Survivors do not hear it when they are in the Dream World. Survivors still hear The Nightmare’s lullaby when they are in the Dream World, however, they are no longer affected by terror radius based conditions for perks (such as Coulrophobia or Overwhelming Presence). As a Survivor, if you do not hear The Killer’s terror radius, you are not considered to be within The Killer’s terror radius.
Misc Gameplay changes
- Increased the amount of perks available in the players Bloodweb, starting at level 40.
- Added 2 new score events when escaping and dying as the Obsession in the Survival category.
- Added a new glow effect to Survivors’ health bar when bleeding out, carried and hooked. This is used to indicate that the health bar depletion is paused.
- Added a debuff icon, similar to The Trappers Honing Stone add-on, when affected by The Nightmare’s Red Paint Brush, Swing Chains, Jump Rope and Outdoor Rope add-ons.
- Adjusted the distance at which the player hears the Entity window blocker audio from 16 meters to 8 meters.
Art changes
- Reworked the hair on Meg’s Game Set Match head customization items.
- Adjusted the dynamic animation on the pony tail for Meg’s Teen Angst head customization item.
- Added the band aid on Meg’s knee for the Tempo Runner outfit. Icons have also been updated to reflect this.
- Reworked the hair on Jake’s Sharp Mustache Jake and Old Man Jake head customization items.
- Optimization of hair materials.
Survivor perk changes
- Left Behind: When you are the last Survivor alive in the trial, the hatch aura is revealed to you within a 24/28/32 meter range.
- Dark Sense: Now triggers from any generator completion instead of only generators completed by the perk owner.
Killer perk changes
- Dying Light: Your Obsession gains a 33% action speed bonus to unhooking and healing other Survivors. Each time you hook a Survivor that is not the Obsession and the Obsession is alive, gain a token. If the Obsession is alive, all Survivors who are not the Obsession get a 2/2.5/3% penalty to repair, healing and sabotage speed for each token.
Killer related
- Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors to become permanently Exposed when directly hit by The Clown’s bottles twice in a row with the Redhead’s Pinky Finger add-on.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Clowns bottles not to have an impact sound when directly hitting a Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Hag’s Dead Fly Mud add-on not to have the correct teleport range.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Hag’s add-ons to have the wrong power name displayed.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Shape’s add-ons to have the wrong power name displayed.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Wraith’s weapon to hide auras while Cloaked.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Spirit’s weapon to hide auras when it was deconstructing and invisible.
- Fixed an issue that visually caused The Ghost Face’s model to shrink for a few frames at the end of his mori.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Ghost Face and The Shape to be unable to see exit gate auras while stalking.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress’ head to be misplaced in her shadow.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Nurse’s arm not to fully appear when looking up and blinking.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Trapper’s bear trap auras to be blocked by some assets or walls.
- Fixed an issue that caused a lag spike every 3 seconds when playing as The Plague.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Plague’s camera to lunge forward when landing after falling.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Doctor’s arm not to correctly appear when pulling a Survivor out of a locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused The Pig to have improper shadows for multiple animations.
Map specific
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision blocking player movement on the right side of the basement stairs.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Survivors’ to become momentarily stuck after canceling the cleanse totem action on specific totems in the Badham Preschool maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused improper lighting on some translucent materials in one of the preschool rooms in the Badham Preschool IV map.
- Fixed an issue that caused ground shadows to end abruptly in the Treatment Theatre map.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Killers to climb a small brick wall and debris asset in the Crotus Prenn Asylum maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision on either side of a stair case leading up to the temple building in the Temple of Purgation map.
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision on the broken bricks on the side of the warehouse building in the Coal Tower map.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Survivors to cleanse the totem near the combine harvester from above in the Coldwind Farm maps.
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers to be able to hit Survivors on the other side of the fences inside the slaughterhouse building in the Rancid Abattoir map.
- Fixed an issue that caused an invisible collision on the back wall of the garage building in the Wretched Shop map.
- Minor map bug fixes.
- Misc LOD fixes and improvements.
- Fixed an issue that caused Hex: Huntress Lullaby to have no effect on Toolbox repair skill checks.
- Fixed an issue that caused Hex: Huntress Lullaby not to show or apply the Cursed status effect on any non-repairing skill checks.
- Fixed an issue that caused Hex: The Third Seal to visually cap at 3 tokens.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Alert not to trigger an audio cue.
- The value shown for tier I on Shadowborn did not match the actual value used, we’ve updated the text to match the value.
- The value shown for tier II on Spies From The Shadows did not match the actual value used, we’ve updated the text to match the value.
- Fixed an issue that caused Infectious Fright to have no effect on Survivors in the dying state.
- Fixed an issue that caused the stun zone from Head On not to last for the full animation.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Decisive Strike not to stun the Killer.
- Added more logging to better help understand and track the issues where players are unable to successfully escape the trial through the exit gates, or perform certain actions.
- Added more logging to better help understand the issue where players would see their friends’ in default customization despite having customization items equipped.
- Added more logging to better help understand the issue that is sometimes causing players to experience permanent Haste with sprint perks.
- Added a retry mechanism for updating the Rank after a Match is completed. We additionally implemented more analytics to track the “Rank Update Error” message some players are encountering and will keep a close eye on the result of this fix.
- Tentatively fixed an issue that could cause players to become stuck in collisions. Added analytics to detect when this happens.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to cancel the healing action when pressing pressing or holding the sprint action.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the a case of infinite End Game Collapse when being forced to drop a Survivor near assets or collisions.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the hatch not to spawn correctly if it spawned underneath a dead corpse.
- Fixed an issue that caused emblem results breakdown percentage display to be rounded incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that caused players at Rank 15 or above to lose more than 1 pip when disconnecting.
- Fixed an issue that caused no points in the Malicious Emblem for catching a Survivor in a locker.
- Fixed an issue that caused no points in the Chaser Emblem for interrupting a Survivor, ending the chase.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors upper bodies to rotate when moving the camera while being mended.
- Fixed an issue that caused female Survivors to use the male Survivor wake up animation when waking up another Survivor.
- Fixed an issue that caused female Survivors to use the male Survivor animation when entering and exiting lockers.
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to become offset from the Killer’s shoulder when they hit a surface.
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong error message to appear when disconnecting the Ethernet cable while on a hook.
- Misc cosmetic clipping and improvements.
- Fixed an issue that caused no progress on the Devoted Gatekeeping trophy if the Killer hooks and sacrifices the final survivor after closing the hatch before the final generator.
- Fixed an issue that caused certain types of skill checks (Hex: Ruin, Decisive Strike, Overcharge, Jigsaw searches and Snap Out Of It) not to count towards the Nerves of Steel trophy.
Audio & Localization
- Fixed an issue that caused the Exposed status effect audio to overlap with The Shape’s Tier III audio SFX.
- Fixed an issue that caused the audio cue when initiating a chase with the Obsession to play twice.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors sounds to have an unwanted panning.
- Fixed an issue that caused audio occlusion while hiding in a locker.
- Misc audio improvements.
- Major localization translation and improvements.
- Misc UI improvements.