The responsible Entiwcklers of Dead Cells have released a new update today. We have the complete information about this update.
The Dead Cells Update 1.15 / 1.8.0 is now available for download and installation for PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch.
Dead Cells Update 1.8.0 / 1.15
11 New affixes :
8 new normal affixes :
– Ice, fire, bleed or poison on nearby floors or enemies when the effect of the used active ends
– A grenade, a volley of arrows, or fire spreads when a deployable trap is destroyed
– Get all your arrows back when using a skill
3 new starred affixes:
– Oil and fire spread around when a deployable trap is destroyed
– Push enemies around you when the effect of the used active ends
– Extended duration for powers like Wings of the Crow or Smokebomb
6 new mobs :
Six brand news enemies. 3 are biome specific, 3 are dispatched through various levels at differents Boss Cells. At the time being, and until the live release, we prefer letting you unveil their exact locations and types.
2 new items :
– Crowbar. Fast brutality weapons that crits after breaking a door or a breakable prop.
– Portable Door: Allow you to bring a door with you – covering your back while you take care of the mobs in front of you and allowing for an elegant stun effect when you decide to turn around.
Half-life diet :
Completing the Freeman’ role play pack with medpacks for a true immersion.
The Bad Seed | New lore rooms and secrets for the Arboretum and the Morass.
The Bad Seed | Balanced bestiary:
We took the opportunity of adding new mobs to re-balance the bestiary of the levels in questions. While there isn’t any new mobs in the ‘Bad Seed’ levels, we’ve tweaked the numbers to make these biomes fairer. Let us know what you think!
Bug Fixes :
The Bad Seed | Fixed Carnivorous Plants closing while a cinematic is ongoing.
The Bad Seed | Fixed Yeeters hitbox.
The Bad Seed | Fixed some bugs with Mushroom Boi running in place.
The Bad Seed | Fixed Rythm’n Bouzouki timing detection for the third hit. Oups?
The Bad Seed | Fix rare camera problems and minimap display in the Morass.
Fixed Magic Missiles and Pyrotechnics always shooting twice even when tapping the button.
Fixed a certain secret boss hitbox on thrust attack. No more crouching under, beware!
Fixed some projectiles not colliding correctly with doors.
Fixed Ice Armor not protecting from spikes.
Fixed some crashes.
Balancing :
The Bad Seed | Blueprint drop chances of the new items lowered.
Cavern mobs’ health and damage lowered in all difficulties to make up for the hell-ish bestiary down there,
The Bad Seed | Mushroom Boi now break your invisibility on attack.
The Bad Seed | Improved Tick Scythes hitboxes to better hit downward.
The Bad Seed | Ticks now bump slightly on attacks.
The Bad Seed | Ticks now drop five cells and some gold upon death.
The Bad Seed | Improved Jerkshroom throwing curve to prevent direct hits from below.
The Bad Seed | Thrown Jerkshrooms no longer hurt you when colliding in the air. Who the hell thought it was a good idea?! … Oh.
Knives Thowers now always dodge or dash once before starting to attack you.
Added a protection to player when jumping down from one way platforms to avoid taking hits when a mob on the platform is attacking.
Frozen enemies are now interrupted in their attacks. No more surprise hits after defrosting your Failed Experiment!
Community suggestion Removed Death Orb damage cap.
Community suggestion Marksman Bow can now have damage bonus affixes.
Community suggestion Ice Armor now gives damage reduction instead of bonus damages on higher levels.
Community suggestion Ice Armor and Ice Shield can no longer have affixes which break the ice immediatly. If you want to break the ice, you’ll have to use some clever jokes instead.
Enemy grenades repelled by Ice Shield freeze enemies on explosion.
Shield Bearers can now damage deployables.
Source: dead-cells