Mimimi Games have released a new update for Desperados 3. Below you will find the complete patch notes for this update on September 2.
The Desperados Update 1.04 can now be downloaded for all platforms. You have to download a total of 13 GB. The size of the download can vary depending on the platform. The update includes “A Feast for the Vultures” DLC, some new Baron’s challenges, bug fixes and improvements.
Desperados III Patch Notes 1.04
- One new Baron‘s Challenge!
- DLC support implemented – first DLC out now!
- Mac & Linux Support!
- Bug Fixes!
New Content
- One new Baron’s Challenge: The Baron dares you to make one last trip to Devil’s Canyon to ask yourself: "What if?". Take control of young Cooper and Hector – and meet your nemesis Frank at the chapel for a final stand off. One good shot is all it takes.
- DLC support implemented: The first DLC is out now! This is the first of three new missions that tell the story of a new adventure called "Money for the Vultures". The story of the three missions take place after the events of the main game. In the first part, the gang reunites once again to hunt down DeVitt’s hidden riches.
Bug Fixes
- Tobii Eye Tracking: Coin Throw Skill behavior has been improved.
- UI Fixes: We fixed several minor UI issues, such as incorrect player sprites on houses, broken longcoat health bars, and minor loca issues.
- Gameplay Fixes: We fixed several issue with Showdown mode causing animation and teleportation glitches, a few issues with incorrect death animations and a few rare cases of NPCs getting stuck in various circumstances
- Level Fixes: We fixed a few level specific scripting issues, such as…
- Isabelle becoming invisible at the start of “Louisiana Voodoo” mission.
- Doc McCoy being detected as standing after freeing him in an unusal way in the “Running Late On Payday” mission.
- The bridge can no longer be blown up in the Baron’s Challenge “Public Transportation”.
- The mission statistics no longer show incorrect kill and playtime values for animals in “Rescue Aid Society” Baron’s Challenge.
- Stability improvements: Fixed several rare cases of random errors that could lead to game crashes.
- Audio, Video and Gameplay settings are now saved in plain text format.
- Removed ‘Auto continue dialog’ option because it caused issues. Auto dialog is now always on.