Cayde’s exotic hideout is the pre-order bonus of Destiny 2 Forsaken. Here’s how to get to the preorder items.
Guardians seek pre-order bonuses: On 4 September, the Forsaken expansion has started and many keepers have successfully entered Year 2. However, one or the other player is currently looking around in surprise at his inventory and in the post office – because the promised pre-order bonuses are missing.
Bungie has come forward and explains how to get your loot.
How to get the pre-order items: You need to go through Forsaken’s story campaign first. Then run to Amanda Holliday, who is in the Tower Hangar. There you will receive the preorder bonuses.
The requirement that you can receive pre-order bonuses is, of course, that you have pre-ordered Forsaken in good time.
Cayde’s exotic hideout – the pre-order bonuses
The Preorder bonuses are in the so-called “Caydes exotic hiding place”. This includes:
- Exotic Ornament “Last Leaf” for Cayde’s Handgun Ace of Spades
- Exotic ship “Herzdame”
- Exotic gesture “stalemate”
- Armor Shader “Cayde 6 Palette”
The shaders have one more flaw to launch: they have a wrong name, “Cayde’s Duds”, but they are the right shaders and the name should be corrected in “Cayde 6 Palette” in the future.
In this video, you’ll see the bonuses, such as the new gesture, moving:
What about the bonuses of the Digital Deluxe Edition?
If you are a Digital Deluxe Edition buyer, you will receive additional content, namely:
- Majestic Wrath – Archer Bite 4b
- Lament of the Paladin – Badge
- Vestian – Ghost Shell
How do I get these bonuses? You will also receive the bonuses after completing the Forsaken campaign. However, you do not have to march to Amanda, but receive them directly if you return to orbit after the campaign.
By the way: The badge “Lament of the Paladin” has an error. It’s called in the game “The Forsaken”. This is to be repaired in the near future.
Have fun with the pre-order bonuses!
I pre-ordered forsake and when I go to manage games and apps I click on Destiny 2 and it even show’s Causes Exotic Stash as being downloaded, but it’s not showing up on game when I go to Amana Holliday. I already beat the campaign and have the Ace of Spades. Wtf is going on? Any ideas on what to do?
Since I ordered all the previous expansions on my second account I had to buy forsaken on that account as well but I play on my main will I get the bonuses?
I didn’t get my pre order stuff
I didn’t get my bonuses for the digital deluxe