Update 2.0.4 with Version 1.27 ist Online, October 16. Patch Notes can be viewed right here.
Today, Bungie will release another update to Destiny 2. With the update also maintenance work is carried out, which means the servers go offline for several hours.
In the course of the maintenance work Destiny 2 Patch 1.27 is loaded, which you must download afterwards.
The Destiny 2 Patch Notes for Update 1.27 are already known. More details will be available as soon as the update has been published.
More news, solutions and tips for Destiny 2 can be found on our topic page.
Destiny 2 update 1.27 patch notes
Heroic Adventures
- Fixed an issue where Barons were providing Legendary rewards outside of Heroic adventures
- Barons in Heroic adventures now reward one guaranteed Legendary per day
- Subsequent kills grant Legendary rewards at a reduced rate
- Fixed an issue where players can get stuck with the Origin Story or the Last Dance weapons if they use the character level boost after obtaining them in Homecoming
- Fixed an issue where BrayTech Legendary Scout Rifle dismantled into Mod Components
Dreaming City
- The Offering to the Oracle now sorts to the Pursuits bucket, rather than Consumables
- Removed the weekly bounty that required players to redeem an Offering for the Oracle
- The Dreaming City weekly challenge now requires only two weekly bounty completions
- Fixed an issue where some enemies would improperly spawn chests after being killed
- Players can no longer obtain Dreaming City rewards when repeating the mission “Awakening”
- Fixed an issue where Telesto could be used to accelerate progression of objectives in the Blind Well
- Players may now progress the “Cayde’s Will” quest step by defeating either invaders or general enemies with Hand Cannons
- Turned off rejoin functionality in Gambit
same, and all challenges have disappeared. all petra bounties gone
Bungie has already recognized the problem and says you should restart Destiny 2 or even empty the consoles cache!
Look here, official tweet: https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1042814138643210240
Why is the planet mars gone? I need to collect stems and do other exotic quest line there..
No mercury or mars after patch