Bungie has released the new hotfix update for Destiny 2 – We have all the information about the patch on June 23.
Destiny 2 Update 1.54 can now be downloaded and installed on all platforms. You have to download 190 MB on the PS4, the size varies depending on the platform.
Destiny 2 Patch Notes / 1.54
- Fixed an issue where analog-based actions required a full button or trigger press.
- Players should no longer encounter issues where they could not aim down sights or fire their weapons.
- Fixed an issue where Stormtrance could not be used if attack inputs are held during the cast animation.
- Fixed an issue where the Hunter’s dodge and Warlock’s Icarus Dash were more difficult to activate.
- Fixed an issue where pressing A no longer dismounted from Sparrows while using the Jumper controller scheme.
- Fixed an issue where some players had an invisible ship, black emblem, and zero Power Level displayed when in orbit.
- Fixed an issue where various reward sources were dropping gear at 750 Power instead of their intended Power Level.
- Fixed an issue where the Tommy’s Matchbook Catalyst quest was removed from player inventories.
- Note: Players who had this quest removed have lost progress, but we have reduced the requirements of the quest to compensate.
- Fixed an issue where the Destiny 2: Beyond Light preorder emblem did not appear in Collections.
- Fixed an issue where the “Upgrade Gift Ranks” Triumph did not properly record progress.
- Removed two Legendary ships from Amanda Holiday that could not be purchased.
- Fixed an issue where Seasonal Artifact mods required more Glimmer than intended to socket.
- Fixed an issue where solo completions of the Prophecy dungeon did not properly unlock the associated Triumph.
- Fixed an issue where Witherhoard dealt a ridiculous amount of damage to various enemies.
- Fixed an issue that could occur when swapping out Exotic gear while their perks were still active.
- Fixed an issue where Saint’s Vocation Exotic ship was invisible in preview and orbit.
- Fixed an issue where the Almost Mighty Exotic Ghost Shell was invisible in preview and when summoned.
- Fixed an issue where the Insight Unyielding Titan gauntlets could obscure the screen when aiming Bows.
- Fixed an issue where the Cryptarch beacon would not activate when acquiring the Destiny 2: Season of Arrivals Silver/Emote platform offer.
Source: Bungie