The rumors surrounding the sequel to Destiny 2 do not stop. The new Destiny offshoot, according to a leak, for the new generation of consoles appear – to be one of the first titles for PlayStation 5 and the new Xbox.
It’s all about this leak: Two major leaks have recently been circulating on Destiny 3. One is originally from an anonymous source on the 4chan platform, the other is from the well-known red-editor AnonTheNine.
The leak on reddit reveals not only alleged details of the story, opponents, locations and the general direction of the game, but also potential information on the release date and the possible platforms.
Release date of Destiny 3 in November 2020?
That’s what the leak says on the release date: When asked by a fan about a specific release date for Destiny 3, they said, “I can basically guarantee that it will be released in 2020 as a multiplatform launch title for the PS5 and Xbox Scarlett (project name of the next Xbox).
What would be a possible period? Note that these are rumors that have not been officially commented or confirmed. Although Anon has always been right with all his leaks, that does not guarantee that these statements will be the same.
But if these rumors and the previous predictions for the release of the next generation of consoles from Microsoft and Sony come true, then a release of Destiny 3 in November 2020 on the new platforms would be conceivable.
Source: wccftech