The press conferences at E3 are in full swing, with one message overtaking the next, from “Fallout 76” to “Black Ops 4” and many more games. But then comes a message that interests us personally very – Techland announces Dying Light 2!
Technland used Microsoft’s E3 press conference to break the bomb, the announcement for “Dying Light 2“. At the same time several videos were shown and released, an announcement trailer and gameplay material.
According to the latest information, Chris Avellone will be involved in the development of “Dying Light 2“. It was also confirmed that during the course of the storyline, players can make various decisions that influence the event.
When “Dying Light 2” is released was not mentioned, we assume a release for the Christmas business. As soon as there is news, we will report about it!
Dying Light 2 E3 2018 Announcement Trailer
Dying Light 2 – Gameplay World Premiere – E3 2018