Once again Bethesda Softworks start maintenance work on the online action role-playing game “Fallout 76“. As Bethesda Softworks announced, the duplicate items will be removed as part of the update.
Since the technically and playfully twisted start of the online action RPG “Fallout 76” in November of last year, the developers of Bethesda Game Studios are constantly working on improvements and new content.
In a recent announcement, those in charge of Bethesda Softworks pointed out that further maintenance will start at 3pm today. According to the company, during maintenance, among other things, there is an exploit on the collar that allowed players to duplicate items.
The exploit will be fixed
It also states that not only is the exploit itself remedied. In addition, the items from the game that the players secured with the exploit are removed. According to the developer, the number of players who have duplicate items in their inventory is not that high. Thus, only a small part of the “Fallout 76” community is affected by the adjustments.