The sequel to Far Cry 5 will be Far Cry: New Dawn, a new title with a few settings and concepts based on the same engine as Far Cry 5. FC New Dawn will be a direct successor to Far Cry 5.
No wonder then that one of the characters in Far Cry 5 appears in New Dawn’s latest trailer. Pastor Jerome, one of the more important and notable characters in Far Cry 5. His role in the new game, based on the footage we can see below, seems to be similar to his role in this game, he tries his best to keep his community and to help his people.
You can see the gameplay material below for yourself. If you are interested in New Dawn, you should first play Far Cry 5. New Dawn seems to be a direct sequel, making it more meaningful that way.
Far Cry 5 will be released on February 15, 2019 for PC, PS4 and the Xbox One.