Ubisoft and the responsible developers have released a new update for For Honor today. We’ll show you below which improvements are included.
The For Honor Update 2.29.1 can now be downloaded and installed for all platforms. The patch brings some improvements for the fighter Kyoshin and there is a bug fix for the map. That’s it already.
For Honor Patch Notes 2.29.1
Kaze Stance can now be activated at 200ms from recoveries (was 266ms from lights, and 366 from heavies)
Attacks now link to Finishers at 200ms (was 266ms from lights, and 366 from heavies)
Aoarashi now moves forward 2 meters, up from 1
Aoarashi Followup can now be target swapped
Tengukaze is now more difficult to dodge
Fujin Cuts now cost 3 stamina (down from 6)
Hakaze now deals 8 damage (down from 12)
Kagerou now deals 4 Bleed damage over 4 seconds (up from 3 damage over 4 seconds)
Sajin-Arashi’s Miss recovery is now 600ms (down from 800ms)
Hakaze now has 100ms of Guard Break vulnerability (was 0ms)
Mujoukaze’s trajectory was adjusted to properly hit external targets
Fixed an issue where followups were too difficult to use if players blocked multiple attacks with Kaze Stance
The Shard
[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Introduction Cinematic for attackers to have an incorrect fly by
Where did we get this information from? Of course from an official source, from the Ubisoft forum.