The weekly challenges for Fortnite’s challenges in Season 5 Week 4 have been revealed online.
This time around, the leak comes from Twitter user @fortrisen, the same Dataminer who leaked the challenges last week.
For those who have proven to be right, we can a little more believe this week that the challenges we face here will come next week – unless, of course, Epic changes them at the last minute that happened there the past.
Apparently, we’ll see “flaming hoops” next week, that’s pretty cool.
Preliminary Week 4 Challenges
Free Challenges:
- Build Structures (0/250)
- Jump Through Flaming Hoops With A Shopping Cart Or ATK (0/5)
The exact locations of all flaming hoops can be found here - Eliminate Opponents In Dusty Divot (0/3) HARD
Battle Pass Challenges:
- Deal Damage With Sniper Rifle To Opponents (0/500)
- Search Chests In Flush Factory (0/7)
- Search Between A Gas Station, Soccer Pitch And Stunt Mount (0/1) HARD
A guide to the exact location with the Battel Star, you can find here. - Pistol Eliminations (0/3) HARD