As Epic Games has already announced, Fortnite Update 12.60 has been released – It’s Live! We have all information about this patch on May 20th.
Fortnite Update 2.71 (PS4 version number) is now available for download. On the PS4 you have to download and install around 2GB. The size of the download may vary depending on the platform.
Fortnite Update 2.71 Patch Notes 12.60
What’s New?
Updated Galleries
More props have been added to Car Gallery A, Sports Gallery and the Shark Prop Gallery.
​​​​​Bug Fixes
- FIxed an issue where some Creative Islands would have a seam running down the middle of them when playing/building on mobile devices.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some issues where some teammate chevrons would not show up over players while in game.
- Fixed an issue where players are able to spawn chest on other islands.
- Fixed an issue where players can interact with a second matchmaking portals while party leader is waiting for the rest of the party to ready up.
- Fixed an issue where backfilled players are spawned into the game when Join In Progress is set to Spectate.
- Fixed an issue where the island code is not saved when entered into the matchmaking portal on console.
- Fixed an issue where players are not split into even teams when joining a creative server in a party of fpur or more.
- Fixed an issue where End Round When Receiving From does not function on Round Settings device if it is not triggered by a player instigated method.
- Fixed an issue where the player can use the Shadow Bomb to make themselves permanently invisible.
- Fixed an issue where the player nameplates are not showing for island owners.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where deleted Proximity Mines would be counted towards the maximum allotment for an island.
- Fixed an issue where weapon wraps would not consistently get applied to the Flashlight Pistol.
- Fixed an issue where the player is unable to aim horizontally while inside the cannon.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where players would be unable to push or pull items closer to them when placing them via the quickbar.
- Fixed an issue where Player Built Structures would turn invisible when cutting them with the phone tool and quickly switching to the pickaxe.
- Fixed an issue where prefabs placed with quick bar do not drop when Drops is turned on.
- Fixed an issue where some prefabs and galleries are larger than indicated by the preview.
- Fixed an issue where the phone tool cut button copies when double clicked.
- Fixed an issue where there is no audio feedback when placing a prefab or gallery from the quickbar.
- Fixed an issue where the cost preview amount is inconsistent with the actual amount of memory used in the Thermometer.
​​​​​​Bug Fixes
- Brown Cliff Snow Gallery was renamed to Gray Cliff Snow Gallery.
- Fixed an issue where player clipping would occur on the Plane Wing, from the Plane Gallery.
- Fixed an issue where the Lab Tunnel would show grass clipping through it.
- Fixed an issue where weak points do not appear on some Monster Skull Gallery assets.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Perception Triggers would remain triggered if a player is eliminated while in sight of them.
- Fixed an issue where Capture Area VFX would continue to show when the device is disabled.
- Fixed an issue where players would be unable to aim the cannon horizontally while inside the cannon.
- Fixed an issue where the ‘End Round when Receiving From’ receiver on the Round Settings device would not function if the message received was not sent by a player.
- Fixed an issue where the Hologram would not always load the customized options chosen by the player.
- Fixed an issue where the Hologram would never show its projector after first being placed. This will now always appear during edit mode and optionally during gameplay.
- Fixed an issue where the Item Spawner Plate holograms do not cycle if exactly two items are inside.
- Fixed an issue where Billboards would sometimes lose their text while viewed in replay mode.
- This was partially related to extremely large numbers of billboards being used in some islands. To help reduce this, we’ve added drop-shadow and outline options to the billboard to avoid Creators needing to duplicate billboards to achieve the same effects.
- Fixed an issue where the HUD device was displaying messages in all capital letters
- Fixed an issue where the Harvester Multiplier option in the Class Designer does not override My Island settings.
- Fixed an issue where the Capture Area VFX was showing even when disabled.
Source: Epic Games
Have ps4. It wants to update to 2.71 but is stalling. It is not starting the update and can’t play without an update.
What to do??
Restart your ps4 and reconnect the wifi a fresh. Start the download
when the freaking doomsday update?
Need an option to turn crossplay off and actually find a game or put player based matchmaking back in the game. I see it deterring players away from this game
Delete creative and add back old pump
Pls add the ‘safe team’ option to the barrier device.
Pls add safe team to the barrier device and a longer range for the class selector device (500 meters max or something).
I know that it takes a lot of effort to create new items for in game etc. But come on man it has been like 7 weeks without any new item and the patch notes aren’t important either like wtf
Add bouncers back we wanna trickshot
#im a sweat
Bro there are crash pads.We can do trick shots with that
fucc sweats they ruin the game
Fortnite add more movement please
#im a sweat
Yeah there should me more movement
if I may ask will you ever add the guided rocket into creative for mini-games such as guided rocket hiding n seek mini game the same 1 that lazar beam made a video on?
Yeah I wish they came back in creative mode
Did you mean 2.14GB or 2 14GB file ??
You need to download a 2.14 GB patch
Please fix blue pumps to hit 100 i body
also if I may add will you also be adding the mythic items to creative such as the mythic drum gun, boom bow, minigun, dual pistols, scar grappler, and the heavy ar?