We as gmaes-guides.com are searching for passionate gamers that want to support us as auothors an therefore help us expanding our project.
Who we are:
games-guides.com is a jounalist portal an specialized on video games. Our Startup has been launched 6 month ago and currently we have average 10.000 – 15.000 unique visitors on our page. What is quite awesome for this short time period.
Currently there are two people writing for our page and working on the project. Day by day we are searching for the hottest news, guides and stories. Our leading goal is to grow up our cumminuty and make games-guides.com an established portal for gaming guides and news.
We follow the approach of following games in depth, becoming experts in individual games and being close to the community.
What we are searching for
We are searching passionate gamers that want to share there expierences in a jounalist way with a growing community.
The support consists of looking after games from every genre and finding news or curious stories from the respective communities. You should have an overarching interest in gaming and deal with several games.
You should know the most important information sources for the respective games and be able to inform you about them. These can be channels of publishers or fan forums.
We expect authors to ring the phone and make their hearts beat faster when the official account of the game tweets even the tiniest little thing. You write for the community. You should therefore not think that your opinion about the games is the only correct and vehemently represented.
Ideally, you have already gained experience in journalism and have written about other sites or created your own blog.
This is not a full-time “job”, it’s a few hours a week. Every week we expect about 5-10 news or articles (opinions, analyzes, specials) – we are flexible. But it is necessary that there is time and will. Working hours can be divided by the author himself – but with important news he should be on the spot in a timely manner.
You should not see is a kind of “work” we, the founders of game-guides.com wanted to grow a project with passion because we are passionate gamers and our intention was to create a forum for people to find qualitative information about gaming.
What we offer
- We offer an introduction to the world of online gaming journalism or the chance for an experienced author to become part of a successful project. The work is done online from the home office. If you live near Munich, it is also possible to visit Webedia Gaming in the office and work on projects.
- You’re part of a dynamic and dedicated team of passionate gamers, digital professionals and writers.
- You will learn a lot about online gaming journalism, editorial processes and working as a freelance author.
- You will be accompanied by our team intensively and incorporated into our processes.
It’s an exciting, challenging and interesting work where no two days are the same.
When is the job? For now.
We have to be honest. Even if we publish ads, we don’t earn a revenue from games-guides at the moment. So we can’t offer you you a salary at the moment. We hope to find people with a motivation to help a project growing and with growing success and therefore gorwing revenue of course we want to be able to pay salarys.
In a nutshell, the better we perform as a team, the faster we will receive the possibility to earn money and pay salarys to the authors.
We honestly hope to find some passionate boys or girls who want to work with us.
We can offer you to share your social profiles in every post we publish, so you will have the chance to make your own profiles more popular and find some likeminded gamers and people you can play with.
If you are interested, please send us your application to: dfoerst@games-guides.com
Introduce yourself and your work. Tell us your motivation why you want to be part of games-guides.com.
We appreciate every application and hope to build up a great team.
Your games-guides Team