Ghost Recon Wildlands Patch 1.27 will soon be available for download, the update includes 19.7 GB on the PC, 20.3 GB on the PS4 and 18.4 GB on the Xbox One.
In keeping with the upcoming update, the complete patch notes 1.27 have already been released. Please note that you need to reboot and update your system to play online.
Below you will find most of the update details, a complete overview of all new content and updates can be found here.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
PvE/General Fixes
All Platforms
• Fixed an issue where the M60E4 weapon was not held by the handle during emotes.
• Fixed an issue while using the ACS-12 where the hand was overstretched while in crouch or prone position, and during idle animation.
• Fixed an issue where Nomad disappears from the vicinity in cutscenes if the player has a female character.
• Fixed an issue where the mission discovery blade appeared after deploying on any Rally Point, once the mission had been discovered.
• Fixed an issue that caused Nomad to disappear from the vicinity in cutscenes if the player has a female character.
• Made various improvements and fixed several glitches with the Optical Camo.
• Fixed an issue that caused some suppressors to retain the Optical Camo cloaking effect under certain situations.
• Fixed an issue where changing certain weapons or costumes in the load out would affect Optical Camo.
• Fixed an issue that caused Scott Mitchell’s belt to clip through his body.
• Fixed a missing line of space between the handgun text and the level text.
Photo Mode
• Fixed an issue where the player’s NPC teammates glitch through the ground when opening photo mode and some icons were glitched.
• Fixed an issue that caused a delay and HUD issues with the camera option icon when opening Photo Mode.
• Fixed an issue where the aim assist option doesn’t save after applying the change and confirming the save change prompt.
• Fixed an issue where Missions and Tacmap HUD was displayed in Cinematics when using mouse in Kingslayer Files menu page.
• Fixed an issue where the wrong selection is made in Store after purchasing credits pack.
Store + Items
• Fixed an issue where the M1911 Golden and Luger didn’t have a store watermark and redirect.
• Fixed an issue where a gap was present in the Dokkaebi icon when crouching.
• Fixed an issue where patches that were unlockable through Deluxe edition redirected the player toward Featured Content.
• Fixed an issue where the Infantry Pack items do not redirect the player towards Year 2 Pass offers.
• Fixed an issue where there was a missing description for the 416 weapon pack preview.
• Fixed an issue where credits asset overlapped the Featured Content tab when returning from the Prestige Store using the mouse.
• Fixed an issue where the beard was clipping through Airframe Chops on the item Crate Card.
• Fixed an issue where the R93 LRS2 sniper rifle dropped in Ghost War crates even though it’s an item only available in PvE.
• Fixed an issue where the weapons from the Ghost War classes redirect the user to the featured content tab.
• Fixed an issue where the Cross Draw Vest was clipping with tops for the female character.
• Fixed an issue where the Windblocker Jacket clipped through several Vests.
• Fixed an issue that caused holstered weapons to clip through the character model if holstered on the left side of a female icon with no backpack.
• Fixed an issue that caused weapons to clip through backpack while running if holstered on the Maestro Icon.
• Fixed several clipping issues with the Scott Mitchell Icon.
• Fixed an issue that caused the CBRN Half Mask to clip through caps and skin.
• Fixed a clipping issue with items and the CBRN Half Mask on several heads.
• Fixed clipping texture issues of several weapons in victory pose Kneeling.
• Fixed an issue that caused the PenCott GZ camo on the Trapper Mask to not turn the front area into a matching color.
• Updated the animation on several emotes.
• Updated several Victory Poses.
• Updated the Coyote Brown and Sand Storm camos so they are identical on all compatible pants.
• Updated the text for the Gendarmerie Parachute to fit better with the canopy.
• Fixed an issue that caused The Vanguard and Sharpshooter weapons to clip while doing the Come and Get Me! emote.
• Fixed an issue that caused the character model to have no facial expression in-game while doing emotes if they’re wielding the crossbow.
• Fixed an issue that caused inconsistency in the sound quality and origin point of voice lines while in co-op.
• Improved an issue where the character grabbed the magazine instead of the grip on bullpup weapons for certain emotes.
All Platforms
• Fixed an issue where the user could holster their weapon by throwing grenades, activating abilities, or deploying drones while performing emotes that holster your weapon.
• Fixed several issues that allowed players to enter closed buildings.
• Fixed an issue where players could pass through a rock collision and gain an advantage on Zinc Mine map.
• Fixed an issue where players could get out of bounds on maps through some corners.
• Fixed an issue where players could climb inside the lithium reservoir through a specific spot.
• Fixed an issue where the SR-635 weapon magazine still counted 30 bullets instead of 20 as stated in the patch notes for Special Operation 3.
• Fixed an issue where the silencer for the Assassin’s primary weapon Vector Spectra was not shown and could not be removed.
• Fixed an issue where the user was unable to scroll from the first tab of the Ghost War menu to the last one by scrolling up on the list.
• Fixed an issue where the icon for the Edit button was misplaced on the customization screen.
• Fixed an issue where the wrong message was displayed when the user tried to unlock an Armory Pack without enough Prestige Credits.
• Fixed an issue where Toxic’s Toxic gas would not affect players when deployed on certain props.
• Fixed an issue where Echelon’s Sonar Vision was not deactivated when the character was swimming.
• Fixed an issue where the Doc/Surgeon had aim assist present while walking with stim pistol near an enemy.
• Fixed an issue where some languages had information going out of text-designated areas in Event descriptions.
• Fixed an issue where the Event Voting Page transitioned from Voting Closed phase to Event Ended phase for some users until session restart.
• Fixed an issue where the vote card was not highlighted when the user voted for an event unless they switch between tabs.
• Fixed an issue where Time doesn’t show days in the landing page.
• Fixed LOD issues that were present when approaching the concrete pillar props near the recon tower area on Outskirts.
• Fixed an issue where Lock Spectate Camera could be deactivated by spamming the options button.
• Fixed an issue where the observer player would see the same objective for all the players in the session.
• Fixed an issue where the observer sees proximity mines and C4 deployments as Recon Towers on Tacmap.
• Fixed an issue where the observer player will notice the wrong notification activating the Recon Tower.