Daybreak has announced a new update to H1Z1 on the official site. The performance update is already completed and will be released tomorrow, Thursday, August 16th.
H1Z1 Patch 1.32 will optimize performance and enhance the gaming experience. The patch notes for the update have already been released. The servers will go offline to play the patch.
Have you seen the latest Playstation 4 trophies for the game? More news and tips for “H1Z1” can be found on our topic page about the game.
H1Z1 Update 1.32 – Patch Notes
General Updates
- Optimized the Vehicle HUD, Reload Timer, and Health Bar user interfaces. This should result in minor performance improvements, particularly when there are numerous players and vehicles nearby.
- Optimized the texture sizes of the AR-15, AK-47, CNQ, Scout Rifle, and Combat Shotgun. This reduction of memory consumption should reduce some of the out-of-memory crashes that are occurring for some players.
- Increased the SOCOM ammunition found in airdrops to 120 (was 24).
- Reduced the number of AR-15s that spawn in the world by approximately 60%.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that was causing some players to remain stuck in their parachute at the beginning of matches.
- RPG ammo now displays properly when on the ground.
- Weapon HUD now updates properly when switching guns as a passenger in a vehicle.
- Kills with the SOCOM now count towards Sniper Challenges, as intended.
- Parachute and ARV skins now de-dupe normally.
- Players with promotional skins will no longer see the de-duping message every time they enter Customization.
- Pressing “X” to confirm restoring to default settings before the “Are You Sure” pop-up appears no longer causes the UI to get stuck.
- It is now possible to preview facewear when the character is wearing a helmet.
- Numerous fixes to minor UI issues including some clean-up to make text easier to read on various main menu screens.
My game wont run right. I cant select anything other than solo and when i do that amd it loads i cant select start and my map isnt present. Like the game isnt functioning