p<>Cradle Games today released a new Hellpoint update for the Xbox One. We will have all relevant information about this patch on August 31st.
The Hellpoint Update can now be downloaded and installed for Xbox One. At the moment we do not know whether a comparable update will be released for PS4 and PC.
Hellpoint Patch Notes – Xbox
- Added port sniffing and switching to increase connectivity
- Fixed invisible enemies in the co-op mode
- Fixed the invincibility while interrupting teleportation
- Re-enabled erasing game saves
- Fixed bosses not giving axions and items to the second player in co-op
- Fixed invisible enemies when spawned from Room Controllers
- Fixed 3 items that weren’t accessible
- Fixed the horde not showing under some circumstances
- Fixed the infinite loading screen when connecting online
- Removed the unneeded fog gate before Uthos in the Underworld
- Fixed an issue where you could teleport to the arena of a revived boss
- Fixed an issue where you couldn’t face Nemundis if called from the council on 150% data
- Made the heal upgrade shareable in the co-op mode
- Tweaked some Twitch vote effects
- Made neutral NPCs immune from attacks landed in the co-op mode
- Fixed wall ("hand") invites not providing proper connection
- Added UPnP support; If you’re having a connection problem, you can turn it on on your Internet router
- Fixed an issue of upgrading a conductor without a weapon
- Fixed the environment loading issue after death in co-op
- Reduced boss Ozy’s front and back slams’ areas of effect
- Moved the unreachable item in Arisen Palace
- Fixed the Antigravity Module
- Added the missing Underworld fog gate in Alma Mater
- Fixed music not sounding properly on stereo/surround systems
- Fixed the softlock in the Sentient fight cinematic (black screen)
- Fixed Nemundis’ revive option from the council
- An attempt to fix the ghost locking itself in strafing or dodging
- Fixed a few localization mismatches
- Fixed Celestial Beast not spawning properly as "tinyBeast" pet
- Added game version display to the main menu
- Performance optimization on FX and interactive objects
- Fixed the issue with enemies having empty health bars while being still alive in co-op mode
- Fixed the guest receiving "invisible attacks" in the co-op mode
- The host can now kick the guest in co-op mode using the "Disconnect" option in the Online tab
- A lot of items can now be dismantled
- Fixed the Ghost having overly powerful stats in New Game +
- Fixed Interface having an "exploitable" floor pattern
- Fixed Interface laser being blocked by its arms
- Fixed Interface laser dealing one-shot damage instead of damage over time
- Added a floating platform to the Sentient fight (co-op)
- Fixed the quest reward for Ozyormy Goija, added a missing catalyst to the world
- Tweaked the "wall" firing mode of the Channelers
- Changed when the Council opens Nemundis’ gate when turning in 150% quest so it doesn’t stay closed
- Fixed a stuck Horde in Arisen Palace
- Online sample rate is now 30 instead of 100, which should prevent buffer overflow
- Fixed a Ring Puzzle fog gate not opening properly
- Fixed an exploit involving the Omnicube Transposition
- Clamped the energy cost reduction from the Firearm Conductor
- Increased the Dagger and Shard hitbox reach
- Tweaked some Twitch integration vote options
- Optimized the main processor cost of the axion effects
Source: Discord