Hunt: Showdown Update 1.5.3 Deployed – Patch Notes on June 16

Hunt: Showdown Update 1.5.3 Deployed – Patch Notes on June 16

Crytek today is bringing some bug fixes and improvements for Hunt Showdown. We’ll have all the details about Patch on June 16th.

The Hunt Showdown Update 1.5.3 can now be downloaded and installed. Unfortunately, we do not know the file size.


Hunt Showdown Patch Notes 1.5.3

General Updates

Bounty Hunt

  • Reduced the probability of Night and Fog time of day.
  • Now at 16%, previously was 30% (combined percentage).


  • Optimizations made to the matchmaking parameters tied to teams as well as the decay rating.


  • Bulwark is now unlocked at Bloodline rank 16 (previously rank 89).


  • Changes made to the new server notification icon settings:
  • Default settings will now be set from “none to “warning icons only”.
  • The red text warning message that would appear in the middle of the screen has been removed.
  • “Sell All” button in the weapon store will now work as intended. (Previously this was deactivated due to some technical issues). The button remains removed from the equipment screen as intended.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that allowed a round to start with more than the intended number of players.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur due to an issue with the AI pathfinding.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in the details of the effective range tied to the Springfield with Explosive ammo was incorrect (actual values in game were correct).
  • Fixed an issue that caused the ammo counter to be not fully visible when the game is displayed in certain aspect ratios.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the cursor to appear on screen when in a match.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Concertina wire from being destroyed by the shovel.


Known Issues

  • Switching between fire modes on the LeMat may result in a weird looping audio and cause you to not to return to your previous stance.
  • Chaining shots while using gunslinger mode is less reliable than in Hunter mode.
  • Preparing a weapon while in Gunslinger can result in being unable to melee.
  • In some cases, while in gunslinger returning to ADS after cancelling a reload can require too many inputs.
  • Gunslinger: Performing a heavy melee attack while you stop sprinting results in returning to the incorrect stance (should return to hipfire stance).
  • Some inconsistencies may be experienced in terms of sensitivity while using gunslinger mode. Melee and weapon turn speeds are slightly different.
  • Gunslinger: In some cases, players can shoot by pressing melee button after spamming a combination of different actions.
  • Unlocking a legendary item can often change the order of items in the list when modifying your loadout.
  • Tutorial: Consumable replenishment may be incorrect after respawning.
  • Training tab can become stuck under other UI elements when leaving the training selections screen. Opening the training tab again will resolve this.
  • In some cases, the crosshair for the throwing knives can disappear during gameplay.
  • Dying to a poison cloud or poison trip mine will result in seeing an empty death screen.
  • Spectator mode: Aiming state of the player does not always line up with what is visible in spectator mode.
  • Shooting a hive bomb that is floating on the water (with a shotgun) can result in multiple instances of the swarm.
  • Challenges: Hunters that are damaged by other players but receive a killing blow from AI count towards the total. This is not intended and should only add to the total when the killing blow is caused by a player.
  • In some cases, your health bar will remain onscreen even though it appears to have no damage. This is caused by having been slightly burned but it does not display correctly. A small amount of damage will refresh this and show the correct information.
  • In some rare cases, a health pack can spawn on a clue which will prevent you from correctly investigating it.
  • When attempting to join a Quickplay match, after leaving a team, the “please wait” might change back to red requiring you to press Play again.
  • In some rare and very specific scenarios, the bomb lance projectile might not explode.
  • Challenges: Kill 50 bosses is incorrectly tracked by the killing blow rather than participation.
  • Gunslinger: In some cases, players can shoot by pressing melee button after spamming a combination of different actions.
  • In some cases, a looted item will still appear on the blue boxes in Quickplay even after another player has taken it. You will not be able to interact with these items.
  • In some cases, after being revived or if a weapon is swapped with a Winfield equipped, the server will register might register that it has no ammo.
  • Concertina wire can damage players through walls.
  • Lootable weapons sometimes drop to close to each other making it difficult to loot the correct one.
  • In some cases, it is not possible to charge a melee attack instantly after swapping between weapons/tools.
  • Death from bleeding damage caused by AI can show as killing yourself in the damage history on the death screen.
  • Performing multiple specific actions at once can result in players unintentionally standing when in a crouched position.
  • In some cases, the clones of the Assassin may become stuck and will not attack players.
  • In some rare cases, the spider may become stuck beneath the floor after jumping on a player.
  • Bleeding damage ticks do not register on the death screen in the damage history.
  • In some cases, it may not be possible to melee with the Bomblance if you try to do so at the same time as releasing from ADS.
  • Performing multiple specific actions at once can result in players unintentionally standing when in a crouched position.
  • In some cases, cancelling a reload will cause you to melee instead of shoot in cases where the right mouse button is held down.
  • In some cases, your health bar will remain onscreen even though it appears to have no damage. This is caused by having been slightly burned but it does not display correctly. A small amount of damage will refresh this and show the correct information.
  • Trials: In some cases, when replaying an earlier trial mission, you might spawn in with less health chunks than intended.
  • In some cases, weapon shadows might appear pixelated when entering/leaving Darksight.
  • In some cases, where all consumable slots are full, you may not be able to purchase consumable items other than the one in the first slot.
  • In some cases, switching to another weapon (looting) can result in the dropped weapon falling under the floor.
  • In some cases, cancelling a reload will cause you to melee instead of shoot in cases where the right mouse button is held down.
  • In some cases, while in the “waiting for players” screen, it is possible for AI to attack.
  • In some cases, the banish state and extraction state can show the incorrect details. This is purely a visual issue. The normal status will continue as intended in the background.
  • Quickplay: Picking up a small weapon while performing a switch to a larger weapon results in swapping the wrong item.
  • In some cases, crows may react to player noise later than intended. If there is a lot of occlusion between you and the crows, they can also be hard to hear.
  • In some cases, after changing fire modes on the Winfield Aperture, it is not possible to ADS.
  • Poison effects from the hive and spider can persist even after their intended duration (poison bug).
  • Alt tabbing in and out repeatedly can result in losing control of your hunter.
  • Some weapons allow for two heavy melee attacks to be performed in quick succession before losing any stamina.
  • In some cases, using ladders can teleport players or cause them to become stuck in other assets.
  • A potential stall can occur when banishing a boss.
  • Some players may encounter stuttering issues. We are actively investigating these issues.
  • Beartraps placed on window frames can cause issues with vaulting through the window.
  • In some cases, weapons will come out of ADS randomly.
  • In some cases, you may encounter desyncs between the client and server when walking on edges/slopes.


The patch notes are from Steam, here you can find the Steam database.

Written by: Carizma

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