The Multiplayer shooter Insurgency Sandstorm has recieved an New Update – Patch 1.2 is ready for Download. We have the complete Patch Notes of this Update.
For the multiplayer shooter Insurgency Sandstorm, a new patch has been released this weekend, introducing the co-operative mode “Hardcore Checkpoint“. Enemies are stronger, your movement speed is reduced, and target markers are disabled. The new features of version 1.2 also include the Map Outskirts.
Insurgency Sandstorm: Update 1.2 Patch Notes
New Content
- New map “Outskirts” playable in Firefight, Push, Checkpoint, Team Deathmatch, and Hardcore Checkpoint.
- New official Coop game mode Hardcore Checkpoint
- Movement speed is significantly reduced. Enemies are harder. Friendly teammate indicators only show when a teammate is nearby. Objective indicators are hidden in the HUD.
- If you die, you will respawn with a Mosin bolt-action rifle and Makarov pistol. You must resupply at a Supply Crate to get your Loadout.
- There are only two Supply Crates. One will spawn on a random objective, the other will always spawn on the final objective. You can only resupply once on a Supply Crate. Small Ammo Boxes will give some ammunition for the weapons you are carrying.
- New Weapons
- M82A1 CQ anti-materiel sniper rifle for Security Marksman class.
- M99 anti-materiel sniper rifle for Insurgent Marksman class.
- M2HB .50 Cal mounted machine gun for Security vehicles.
- New Cosmetics
- Balaclava and neck gaiter Facewear cosmetics for Security faction.
- New skull pattern for Insurgent balaclavas.
- M90F camouflage for Security.
- Cloth gloves for Insurgents.
New Features
- Class Loadouts can now be customized on the main menu through the Customize button.
- Enabled voting to kick players on official matchmaking servers.
- Overhauled community server browser to support favorites, showing empty and full servers, passworded servers, minimum and maximum player filtering, filter reset, search box and better sorting options.
- Bots will now randomly select all of their loadouts, including weapon attachments.
- Updates to the helicopter damage models:
- The top and tail rotor can be destroyed with anti-materiel rifles.
- Pilots, co-pilots and door gunners can be killed via normal weaponry or an anti-materiel rifle if behind a windscreen or metal plating.
- Ammo Carrier vests and backpacks can now be customized with different colors and camouflages. See the “Equipment” slot in Appearance under the Customize menu.
- Dust kickup particles now play when weapons are fired while prone on appropriate surfaces.
- Added support for storing key bindings and various other settings that are system-agnostic in the Steam Cloud.
- Local Play is now accessible if you’re offline and unable to sign into New World services.
- Appearance menu improvements:
- Different Ammo Carrier and Armor Loadout options can now be previewed on your character.
- Your character can now be rotated.
- Upgrade to Unreal Engine 4.22:
- Upgrading to the latest version of Unreal Engine was a large task, however it was a necessary part of optimizing the console versions, and will enable greater performance and development possibilities in the future for all versions of Insurgency: Sandstorm including PC.
- Implemented skeletal mesh merging to reduce CPU overhead of character animation.
- Implemented UE4 4.22 animation budget allocator to reduce CPU overhead of character animation.
- Disabled tessellation by default due to a higher than intended GPU cost, it may still be manually enabled.
- Optimized particle overdraw by implementing particle cutout textures.
- Fixed certain UI elements incorrectly performing tick logic after being closed.
- Optimized update frequency of world soundscape actors.
- Optimized logic, physics, and animation performance impact of helicopter air support.
- Reduced concurrent particle impact effect limits.
Visual Improvements
- Character movement interpolation improvements; characters will no longer jitter when moving in third person close to the camera.
- Fixed broken terrain shadows on low settings.
- Facial hair improvements on low quality settings.
- Holographic sights reticle has been improved for better target acquisition and clarity.
- Tweaked reticle brightness values for the 1x Red Dot, 1.5x PK-AS and 1x OKP-7 sights.
- Weapons with extended magazines and belts will now display correctly in the Loadout menu.
- New special animations for performing an Ammo Check while deployed.
- New first person deployed crawl animations.
- New third person prone deployed reload animations for MGs.
- Adjusted first person sprint animation speeds to better match footstep sounds.
- Reduced the playrate of first person rifle sprint animations to improve their look.
- Improve the synchronization between first and third person leaning animation.
- Improved melee and knife animations.
- Cosmetic visual improvements:
- Updated Very Dark skin tone to be more visually different than the Dark skin tone.
- Updated long sleeve button down dirt mix.
- Update on roughness of most gloves.
- User Interface
- Reduced size profile of team score element on spectator UI.
- Improved the alignment of the create party icon.
- Added a black variant of the 4x SU230 which shows on darker weapons.