Last Epoch has received a new beta update, we have the full patch notes 0.7.0d dated May 8. The update contains many bug fixes and optimizations.
The game Last Epoch is currently in the early access testing phase, so there will be frequent updates and it may cause connectivity issues. Last Epoch is available on Steam for $ 29.99.
Last Epoch Patch Notes 0.7.0d Early Access
- Dying in the Arena now ends a Hardcore character and removes the Deathless tag, as it does on the outside.
- The start next wave panel now has an option for leaving the arena and claiming rewards.
- Selecting this option takes you to a small zone containing a reward chest and a portal back to The End of Time.
- If you die in the Arena instead of choosing to exit then you cannot claim these rewards.
- Made Arena Key drops more consistent
- Can no longer drop from the arena chest with less than 5 timelines conquered
- Guaranteed drop when timelines conquered is a multiple of 5
- 5% drop chance when timelines conquered is greater than 5, but not a multiple of 5
- Increased the density of enemies in the monolith (by around 15%, varying from zone to zone)
- Fixed an issue with the outline system (glowing effect around enemies and allies) that caused the effect to be reapplied every frame
- This system was quite old and was interacting incorrectly now that the engine has changed
- In my testing, framerate in campaign levels improved by about 5 fps in combat (High preset, 1080p, RX 480 8GB, Ryzen 5 1600)
- Rebuke
- Cooldown changed to 5 seconds (up from 4)
- You can no longer be stunned while channelling Rebuke
- The increased maximum duration node now grants a 12% increase per point (down from 15%) and can have up to 2 points allocated (down from 3)
- The increased health regen while channelling node now grants 25% per point (up from 20%)
- Ailment Chance nodes grant 8% chance per point (up from 5%)
- Increased ailment duration node grants 8% increased duration per point (up from 5%)
- The armour and elemental protection nodes now apply while channelling and have higher values
- Removed the node that granted stun avoidance while channelling
- Removed the node that granted ward retention while channelling
- Added 6 new nodes
- Adjusted a few connections
- Fixed a bug where taking a node that increased the cooldown recovery speed would almost half the cooldown
- Fixed a bug where a node was giving 2000% increased armour per point instead of 20%
- Vengeance
- Added three new nodes centred around reduced armour and fire protection on hit.
- Renamed Dark Blade to Iron Blade to better reflect its damage type.
- Glyph of Stability now causes a craft to add 5% to 45% less instability (used to be 80% less to 40% more)
- Most objectives now explicitly state which zone you need to go to.
- Increased the opacity of NPC dialogue to improve visibility.
- Chat now scrolls properly along with new chat messages.
- Updated Erasing Strike and Void Rifts
- Updated Lightning Blast
- Improved lighting detail in all desert levels. This will make this patch larger to download on some platforms.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed being unable to view skill trees in the skills panel before you unlocked them by levelling up (you were able to in the past).
- Fixed a bug where teleporting out the starting area in a monolith zone with a spire objective would result in the spires failing to spawn.
- Fixed a bug where certain nodes could cause hovering over a skill icon to add an instance of attribute scaling to it each frame, causing severe fps drops or crashes. This is what led to the Primalist’s skill panel freeze issue.
- Potentially fixed issues with starting the game via Steam on Mac and Linux.