Last Epoch has received a two new updates, we have the full patch notes 0.7.0g and 0.7.0h.
Some mechanics, skills and the chat have been adjusted. In addition, some bugs have been fixed, below you will find all the details in the patch notes.
The game Last Epoch is currently in the early access testing phase, so there will be frequent updates and it may cause connectivity issues. Last Epoch is available on Steam for $ 29.99.
Last Epoch Patch Notes 0.7.0g & 0.7.0h
Beta 0.7.0G Patch Notes
- Improved fading behavior for individual messages and when the chat loses focus.
- The chat window now fades away when you click outside of it.
- Replaced the “Press enter to open…” text with a small chat button
- Fixed input being blocked by the chat window when it is closed.
- Fixed some visual issues of the chat window ui.
- Fixed a minor performance issue with automatic scrolling.
- Added a new higher tier of mage armour models
- Updated on-ground item glow effects
- Added a node to the wandering spirits tree that causes wandering spirits to be revealed around the target location rather than around you
- Updated the portraits for Bone Golem variants
- Void mauls and The Effigy of Oblivion no longer spawn in the arena as some of their skill effects would clip with the ground and become difficult to see.
- The era is now shown on loading screens beneath the zone name
Bug Fixes
- Skills are now removed from your action bar if you refund passives points such that you no longer have access to a skill. Your specializations will be unaffected.
- Fixed Focus’ Energy Battery, Energy Infusion and Mind’s Shield scaling off of max mana rather than mana gained while channeling focus.
- Fixed Glacier’s Cold Snap and Greater Explosion nodes not increasing damage.
- Fixed Lunge always costing 1 mana instead of scaling with distance
- Fixed the tooltips for several Mana Strike nodes not scaling when you put in more points (the effects themselves were working)
- Fixed Storm Totem’s Shield Totem node not working.
- Fixed the Druid’s Natural Duality and Strengthened Bond nodes counting your number of minions, rather than companions.
- Fixed the Druid’s Return to Dust node not working.
- Fixed the Lich’s Ageless Ascetic not leeching life.
- Fixed the Paladin’s Flash of Brilliance granting increased blind chance instead of added.
- Fixed the Paladin’s Light of Rahyeh not increasing Fire Damage.
- Fixed the Spellblade’s Arcane Warden not working.
- Fixed the Void Knight’s Heavy Endurance node not working.
- Likely fixed a bug where the Mage would gain a pale white overlay over its model.
- Fixed a bug where using the short item names option would display the internal name of an item rather than the display name.
- Fixed a small memory leak that occurred when equipping an item.
- The Increased Freeze Chance alt tooltip no longer incorrectly specifies “spells”
Beta 0.7.0h Patch Notes
- Tweaked several Tornado nodes to make it a bit more powerful at low investment.
- Lasting Storm: max points 5-> 4. value per point 20% -> 25%.
- Strength of Air: max points 5-> 4. value per point 20% -> 25%.
- Hurricane: max points 5-> 4. value per point 20% -> 25%.
- Frequent Lightning: max points 5-> 4. value per point 30% -> 35%.
- Overcast Skies: max points 5-> 4. value per point 30% -> 35%.
- Debris: max points 5-> 4. value per point 17% -> 22%.
- Inferno: max points 8-> 4. value per point 25% -> 50%.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug introduced in 0.7.0g that caused most monolith rewards to fail to spawn and issues with dropping items from inventory.
- Fixed a bug where basic stats (flat damage, increased __ chance, protections, etc) from the augment trees of Bear, Thorn Totem and Storm Totem were not being applied correctly. These skills should feel significantly stronger.
- Fixed a bug where Tornado’s Lasting Storm was actually giving 70% per point.
- Fixed Warpath’s Enduring Deflection granting block armour instead of block protection.
- Fixed multiple Beastmaster passives mistakenly counting minions as companions.