It’s been a few months since Minecraft got its last major patch. But it was worth the wait, because the major patch 1.16 “Nether Update” will go live today. We’ll tell you what’s in the new Minecraft update and why the game with the blocks is now worth a look for every fan. Below you will find all the details of this update on June 23rd.
Minecraft Nether Update 2.07 can now be downloaded for all platforms. You have to download and install a total of 435 MB, at least on the PS4. The size of the download may vary depending on the platform.
Minecraft Nether Patch Notes 2.07 / 1.16
- Re-added and can be obtained only by using the /give command.
- Can be found throughout the Nether at any altitude, though it is much more common at lower levels.
- Can be refined into a netherite scrap by smelting in a furnace or blast furnace.
- Same blast resistance as obsidian, but is movable with pistons.
- Inventory item floats on lava.
- Cannot burn in lava or fire.
- A diamond pickaxe or better is required to mine it.
- Always spawns covered by lava and/or blocks on all sides.
- Makeup basalt pillars.
- Generates in soul sand valleys and in basalt deltas.
- Can be placed directionally, similarly to logs.
- Can be crafted into polished basalt
- Can be made if lava touches blue ice while flowing over soul soil.
- Naturally generates in basalt deltas and bastion remnants.
- Generates in all Nether biomes except basalt deltas below lava level.
- Can be used to craft stone tools, furnaces, slabs, stairs, and walls.
- Can be crafted with 9 netherite ingots.
- Can be used as a beacon base.
- Inventory item floats on lava.
- Cannot burn in lava or fire.
- Same blast resistance as obsidian, but is movable with pistons.
- Re-added and can be obtained only by using the /give command.
- Generates in Bastion Remnants.
- Crafted with iron ingots and iron nuggets.
- New variant of Nether bricks.
- Crafted from 2 Nether brick slabs.
- New variant of Nether bricks.
- Obtained by smelting Nether bricks in a furnace.
- Generate in crimson and warped forests.
- Can be placed on flower pots, dirt, coarse dirt, farmland, podzol, nylium, soul soil, and grass blocks.
- Bone meal can be used on fungi to grow it into the respective huge fungi when placed on the same type of nylium.
- Unlike mushrooms, fungi cannot spread.
- Resemble grass blocks.
- Can be spread to netherrack by using bonemeal on a netherrack block next to a nylium block.
- Does not burn.
- Crafted from the respective stem.
- Can be used to craft respective slabs, stairs, fences, fence gates, pressure plates, signs, buttons, doors and trapdoors.
- Foliage that generates in both crimson and warped forest biomes, as well as soul sand valleys.
- Can be placed into flower pots.
- Blocks that comprise the trunks of huge fungi.
- Have animated textures.
- Has a top texture similar to regular log blocks.
- Can be placed directionally, similarly to logs.
- Does not burn.
- Have respective stripped, wooded, and stripped wooded variants. The wood and striped wood variants are called “Hyphae” and “Stripped Hyphae” respectively.
- Used to craft respawn anchors.
- Generates in Ruined Portals.
- Obtainable through bartering.
- Can be found in ruined portals and bastion remnant chests.
- Emits purple particles, resembling tears.
- Has the same blast resistance as obsidian.
- Variant of blackstone that can drop gold nuggets.
- A variant of stems with the bark on all 6 sides.
- Also has a stripped variant.
- Crafted with 1 netherite ingot and 8 chiseled stone bricks.
- Using a compass on it turns the compass into a lodestone compass which points to the connected lodestone.
- Works in all dimensions.
- A variant of gold ore found in the Nether.
- Drops 2–6 gold nuggets when mined.
- This is affected by Fortune the same way other ores are, for a maximum possible drop of 24 golden nuggets with Fortune III.
- Nether gold ore, obtained with Silk Touch, can still be smelted into a single gold ingot.
- Can be mined with any pickaxe.
- Also drops experience orbs.
- Blue foliage that generates in warped forests.
- Resembles grass from the Overworld.
- Can be used in composters.
- Can be crafted with 4 basalt.
- Directional and purely decorative, like normal basalt.
- Crafted from 4 blackstone.
- Can be crafted into pressure plates, buttons, slabs, stairs, and walls.
- Crafted from 4 polished blackstone.
- Can be crafted into slabs, stairs, and walls.
- Crafted from four blocks of quartz.
- Used as a decorative block.
- Crafted with 6 crying obsidian and three glowstone.
- Requires a diamond pickaxe or higher to mine.
- Can be used to respawn in the Nether
- It is charged with glowstone and can be charged up to four levels. Whenever someone who charged the respawn anchor dies, they respawn near it and the level goes down by 1.
- Emits a slight amount of light, which gets stronger for each charge added.
- Can be charged with a dispenser.
- When it is not charged, it does not do anything.
- Like how a bed explodes in the Nether, attempting to use a respawn anchor in the Overworld or the End causes it to explode.
- Emits a light level of 15, similarly to glowstone.
- Can be mined with any tool, but axes and hoes are the most effective.
- Generate as a part of huge fungi.
- Soul variant of the normal campfire.
- Has a blue flame instead of orange.
- Gives off a light level of 10.
- Crafted with soul sand or soul soil instead of coal.
- Piglins are repelled by soul campfires.
- Blue variant of fire.
- Fire lit on soul soil turns into soul fire regardless of dimension.
- Burns forever, similar to regular fire on netherrack and magma blocks.
- Generates naturally in the soul sand valley biome in the Nether.
- Deals damage at a rate of 2
per second as opposed to the 1
per second of regular fire.
- Does not extinguish when in the rain.
- Gives off a light level of 10.
- Crafted similarly to a normal lantern, using a soul torch instead of a normal torch.
- Have an animated texture.
- Gives off a light level of 10.
- Crafted similarly to a normal torch, with soul soil or soul sand being placed under the stick.
- Generates in the soul sand valley, alongside conventional soul sand.
- Fire lit on soul soil is called soul fire.
- The player does not sink and is not slowed when walking in soul soil.
- Can be used to summon the wither.
- Redstone component that can be activated by shooting projectiles into it.
- Signal is stronger depending on how close the projectile is to the center of the block. The signal strength goes up to 15.
- Can be crafted using a hay block and 4 redstone dust pieces.
- Generates in the warped forest.
- Grows upward, like kelp.
- Can be climbed, like other vines.
- Growth can be accelerated with bone meal.
- Can be used in composters.
- A variation of the nether wart block, but cannot be crafted.
- Generates as a part of huge warped fungi. Sometimes generates in the ground replacing the warped nylium in the warped forest biome.
- Can be used in composters.
- Generates in the crimson forest.
- Grows downward.
- Can be climbed, like other vines.
- Growth can be accelerated with bone meal.
- Can be used in composters.
- Can be brewed by adding glowstone dust to a regular potion of slowness.
- Can be brewed by adding glowstone dust to a regular splash potion of slowness.
- Can be brewed by adding glowstone dust to a regular lingering potion of slowness.
- Can be crafted by tipping an arrow in a cauldron filled with a potion of slowness IV, or with eight arrows and one lingering potion of slowness IV.
- Added a new pattern for banners: the Snout.
- Used in the loom to apply the Snout pattern to the banner.
- Obtained in bastion remnant chests.
- Added a new music disc known as “Pigstep”
- Composed by Lena Raine.
- Can only be found in bastion remnant chests unlike other music discs.
- Upgraded using a smithing table with a netherite ingot and the respective diamond item.
- Does not burn in lava, as a dropped item or when worn (players equipping netherite armor, however, can still take burning damage).
- Floats in lava.
- Tougher than diamond armor.
- Has higher durability and enchantability than diamond armor.
- Upgraded using a smithing table with a netherite ingot and the respective diamond item.
- Does not burn in lava.
- Floats in lava.
- Has higher durability, mining level, breaking multiplier, and enchantability than diamond.
- All items, except the hoe, deal 1 more damage than their diamond counterparts.
- Created with 4 gold ingots and 4 netherite scraps.
- Can be used to upgrade diamond tools and armor in a smithing table.
- Floats in lava.
- Cannot burn in lava.
- Created by smelting ancient debris in a furnace or blast furnace.
- Used to create netherite ingots.
- Floats in lava.
- Cannot burn in lava.
- Crafted with a fishing rod and warped fungus.
- Can be used to control striders in the same way as a carrot on a stick with pigs.
- A hostile mob that spawns in crimson forests.
- Attack players on sight.
- Drop raw porkchop and occasionally leather.
- Have an adult and baby variant.
- Can be bred with crimson fungi.
- Are hunted by adult piglins.
- Baby piglins are not hunted and do not hunt hoglins.
- Avoid placed warped fungi.
- Convert to a zoglin when in the Overworld.
- Have an IsImmuneToZombification data value that prevents them from zombifying in the Overworld.
- Have an IsImmuneToZombification data value that prevents them from zombifying in the Overworld.
- Spawn in crimson forests and nether wastes biomes.
- Also spawn in Bastion Remnants.
- Randomly spawns with golden sword or crossbow.
- Adults are hostile; babies are passive.
- Do not attack players wearing at least one piece of golden armor.
- Adult piglins turn aggressive when a player is mining blocks of gold, hitting a piglin, or opening/breaking chests, barrels, trapped chests, or shulker boxes, even if they are wearing gold armor.
- The player can barter with them by right-clicking with golden ingots, which makes them drop at least one item or block.
- Attack adult hoglins.
- Baby piglins do not attack and adult piglins do not attack baby hoglins.
- Baby piglins ride on the back of baby hoglins.
- Adults attack wither skeletons.
- Avoid soul fire, soul fire torches, soul fire lanterns, nether portals, zoglins, and zombified piglins.
- Can spawn with golden armor.[2]
- Convert to a zombified piglin when in the Overworld.
- Have an IsImmuneToZombification data value that prevents them from zombifying in the Overworld.
- A passive mob that spawns in the Nether on lava oceans.
- Drops 2–5 string.
- Can be saddled and controlled with warped fungus on a stick.
- Moves in and out of lava
- Shivers and turns blueish-purple when out of lava.
- Moves significantly slower out of lava.
- Is damaged by water and rain.
- Has a baby variant.
- Can be bred with warped fungi.
- Adults can spawn with baby striders riding them.
- Can spawn with zombified piglins or baby striders riding them.
- If they spawn with a zombified piglin, they will also have a saddle equipped.
- A zombified variant of the hoglin.
- Created when a hoglin is brought into the Overworld after 15 seconds.
- Have an IsImmuneToZombification data value that prevents them from zombifying in the Overworld.
- Attack most mobs on sight, except creepers and other zoglins.
- Drop rotten flesh.
- Have an adult and baby variant.
- Unlike hoglins, they cannot be bred or fed, and they do not flee from warped fungi.
World generation
- Basalt Deltas
- A biome consisting of basalt, blackstone, ash particles, gray fog, and small lava ponds.
- Magma Cubes spawn frequently here.
- Crimson Forest
- A dense forest with huge crimson fungi. Nether wart blocks and fungi are found in patches on the ground and weeping vines are found under the trees and nether wart stalactites.
- Zombified Piglins, piglins and hoglins may spawn here.
- Soul Sand Valley
- Warped Forest
- A color variation of the crimson forest, but with somewhat different vegetation and blue particles and fog effects.
- Only endermen may spawn here.
- Basalt pillar
- Floor to ceiling pillars of basalt that generate in soul sand valley.
- Bastion Remnants
- Structures built from blackstone and filled with piglins.
- Contains chests, blocks of gold, and various forms of loot protected by piglins.
- Can generate in all nether biomes except basalt deltas.
- Nether Fossil
- Structures found in soul sand valley.
- These fossils are different bone block structure from the overworld counterpart.
- Structures found in soul sand valley.
- Huge crimson fungi and huge warped fungi
- New structure resembling trees found in crimson and warped forests, respectively.
- Made of crimson and warped stem blocks as well as red nether wart blocks and warped wart blocks.
- Can be grown from their respective fungi.
- Ruined Portal
- Shattered remains of nether portals.
- Structures found in the Overworld and the Nether.
- A loot chest can be found beside the portal.
- Can be found at surface, underground, and in oceans or lava seas.
- The player can toggle the emote menu with B, or
on Xbox One controllers, or
on Nintendo Switch controllers, or
on PlayStation 4 controllers, or
by default.
- Added “Over There!”, “Simple Clap”, and “Wave” emotes.
- Added Curse of Binding.
- Prevents the item from being removed from that armor slot until the player dies.
- Cannot be removed with a grindstone.
- Added Curse of Vanishing.
- Any item with this enchantment disappears if the player dies.
- The keepInventory gamerule prevents this.
- Cannot be removed with a grindstone.
- Added Soul Speed enchantment.
- A new treasure enchantment obtainable via bartering with piglins or in bastion remnant chests.
- Only available on boots.
- Allows faster walking on soul sand and soul soil.
- There is a 4% chance that the durability of the boots goes down for each soul sand or soul soil block stepped on.
- Cannot be obtained from enchanting tables, fishing, chest loot, or trading.
Command format
- Added /kick
- Used to kick players from a world.
- Accessibility
- Added “Text Background Opacity” setting that can be altered to change item tooltip backgrounds.
- Added cave and nether ambient sounds.
- Cave sounds play in the overworld, more commonly in caves.
- Nether sounds play in the Nether, with each nether biome having its own sounds.
- Added 6 new soundtracks: 3 for the Nether, composed by Lena Raine, and 3 for the ocean, composed by C418:
- “Rubedo” plays in the nether wastes biome.
- “Chrysopoeia” plays in the crimson forest biome.
- “So Below” plays in the soul sand valley and basalt deltas biomes.
- “Axolotl”, “Dragon Fish” and “Shuniji” all play in ocean and river biomes.
- Added the following splash text:
- “Honey, I grew the bees”
- “Find your claw!”
- “Everybody do the Leif!”
- “<3 Max & 99 & Ducky”
- “Bushy eyebrows”
- “Edit is a name”
- “From free range developers”
- The beam color can now be mixed with several different stained glass colors.
- Can now be activated with netherite blocks and can now be fed netherite ingots.
- Now generate naturally in regular forest, wooded hills, and birch forest biomes variants.
- Now allows for fungi, nether sprouts, nether wart, nether wart blocks, roots, twisting vines, warped wart blocks, and weeping vines to be composted.
- Now give Conduit Power to nearby players in rain.
- Crafting them no longer requires a fully repaired bow.
- Potted plants can now be removed from the pot by tapping/clicking on it.
- Can now be placed without supporting blocks underneath.
- Honey Block, Honeycomb Block, Netherrack, Nether Brick, Nether Quartz Ore, Bone Block, Nether Wart and Nether Wart Block and Soul Sand
- Added new sounds.
- Changed the inventory icon to match Java Edition.
- Changed texture.
- Now has functionality and can be obtained by /give command.
- Variants of brown and red now have been renamed to “Brown Mushroom” and “Red Mushroom” respectively.
- Variants of brown, red and stem now have been renamed to “Brown Mushroom Block”, “Red Mushroom Block”, “Mushroom Stem” respectively.
- Variant of pores is still named “Mushroom”.
- No longer emit a redstone signal when placed.
- Oak and birch saplings that are grown within 2 blocks of a flower on the same Y-level have a 5% chance to have a bee nest.
- Now has functionality and used to upgrade diamond tools to netherite.
- Added detect button for save mode.
- Functionality no longer only available behind experimental gameplay
- Can now be undyed in a cauldron.
- Walls no longer have gaps when stacked vertically.
- Now connects to the bottom and sides of glass panes and iron bars.
- Dropped items now transform into a 3D model and start spinning.
- Can now be used to grow twisting vines and weeping vines.
- Fungi, nether sprouts, and roots now grow on nylium if bone meal is used on a nylium block.
- Can now be enchanted with Curse of Vanishing
- Can now be used on the new Lodestone Block as a waypoint.
- Can now be enchanted with Efficiency, Fortune and Silk Touch.
- Now mine sponges, wet sponges, dried kelp blocks, nether wart blocks, targets, shroomlights, leaves, and hay bales faster than other tools.
- Mining with a hoe does not cause leaves to drop like mining with shears does.
- As hoes can now be enchanted with Fortune or Silk Touch, these enchantments will now affect leaves when mined with a hoe.
- Each tier has different speed at which hoes mine blocks they are effective against.
- Zombie Pigman Spawn Eggs
- Renamed to Zombified Piglin spawn egg.
- Mobs now can pick up armor and items
- Now spawn in soul sand valleys and warped forests.
- Can now pick up nylium, roots, and fungi variants.
- Can no longer pick up netherrack.
- Sounds are now heard at a shorter range.
- Now spawn in soul sand valleys and basalt deltas.
- Increased spawn rates.
- Now spawn commonly in basalt deltas.
- Dialog and changeable skins have been readded.
- Llamas, horses, turtles, polar bears, and rabbits can now spawn only on specific blocks, such as grass blocks. (MCPE-47596)
- Now semi-puff when a player approaches before they fully puff when a player is close.
- Now spawn in soul sand valleys.
- Improved spawn rates.
- Cured zombie villagers now offer trading discount. (MCPE-47040)
- Now are hostile if spawned from a mansion. (MCPE-43208)
- Now spawn in forest and giant tree taiga biomes. (MCPE-49792)
- Can now be summoned using soul soil in the base.
- Now attack piglins on sight.
- Now spawn in crimson forests.
- Renamed to “Zombified Piglins”, and given a new model and texture.
World generation
- The old “Nether” biome is now called “Nether Wastes”.
- General
- Rearranged the distribution of underground ore and stone clusters.
- Blackstone and gravel patch now generate in small patch under lava sea layer in all nether biomes.
- Soul sand now generate in small patch under lava sea layer in soul sand valley.
- Many updates and improvements to it.[more information needed]
- Now deal damage in water.
- Map making and add-ons
- Most attack goals are now data-driven.
- Added new documentation for new behavior fields.
- Most Slime and Swim goals are now data-driven.
- Added new documentation for new behavior fields.
- Tree generation is now data-driven.
- Wither skull attacks are now data-driven.
- Item sprites are now data-driven.
- Drowned mobs are now data-driven.
- Changed the explosion particles of the eye of ender to match Java Edition.
- Changed the particle color of Bad Omen from tan to dark green to match Java Edition.
- UI has been updated.
- Added a new server called “Galaxite”.[verify]
- Knockback resistance
- Is now a scale of the amount of knockback taken instead of a probability to take no knockback.
- Changed Villager and wandering trader trades value to closely match Java Edition (MCPE-47141).
Command format
- Can now be used to locate Bastion Remnants and Ruined Portals.
- Can now be used in the Nether.
- Crashes
- Game no longer crashes when the /kill command is used while the dragon is respawning.
- Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking ‘Read More’ on certain resource pack screens.
- Fixed an issue with invisible shulker boxes that could cause a crash when trying to open or break them. (MCPE-55894)
- Fixed a crash that could happen when dispensing bone meal into a grass block. (MCPE-53033)
- Fixed a crash caused by fire spreading to beehives.
- Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when traveling toward -z coordinates.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when adjusting certain JSON strings in behavior packs.
- Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur after resuming the game on Xbox One.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using the character creator.
- Fixed a crash that could happen if a slime targeted something and lost sight of it.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to enchant fishing rods.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when creating a new world on iOS.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting a world with particles present.
- Fixed several crash issues related to the player entering water.
- Fixed a crash that could happen when a mob’s state changed.
- Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur in split-screen when the host saves and quits the game.
- Fixed stability issues when using some custom character creator skins.
- Fixed a crash related to exploding beds in the nether.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when typing a character into chat that we don’t have a font sheet for.
- Fixed a crash at launch on Samsung Galaxy S Duos 2
- Fixed some crashes that occurred when changing dimensions, including going through portals with tamed animals (MCPE-346330).
- Fixed several crashes that could occur when attempting to sign into Xbox Live / Microsoft account. (MCPE-20548, MCPE-64245)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to sign in when offline. (MCPE-29021)
- Performance
- Optimized keyframe animation playback.
- Optimized performance when breaking lots of kelp plants.
- Improved performance related to maps in item frames. (REALMS-1532)
- General
- Corrected fishing rod’s bobber movement.
- Large quantities of snow no longer suddenly generates in chunks.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from being teleported to a nearby chunk that the game thought was too far away.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing chunks from loading incorrectly when traveling between dimensions. (MCPE-63268)
- Fixed an issue that prevented strongholds from generating with libraries and portal rooms. (MCPE-63713)
- Ocean monuments once again generate with the correct interior structures. (MCPE-63523)
- Marketplace ratings now appear correctly when scrolling. (MCPE-60287)
- Light propagation now works correctly, fixing hostile mob spawning. (MCPE-49616)
- Chunks should no longer fail to load properly in +250MB worlds. (MCPE-58514)
- Fixed a bug with light persisting after a block change.
- Ticking areas can no longer be removed on the same tick they are created (MCPE-36769).
- Lighting now propagates correctly through chunk/subchunk borders (MCPE-58182).
- Fixed an issue that could cause areas to show lighting errors on servers.
- Added new overload for /replaceitem with an option for destroy (the old behavior) or keep (the command will return an error if an item occupies that slot).
- The smooth camera option (from full keyboard gameplay) is no longer jittery, and is smooth again (MCPE-54969).
- The screen no longer twitches when the player dies in the Nether or End.
- Dedicated server documentation fixes (BDS-1084, BDS-2341, BDS-3141, BDS-3051, BDS-1085)
- Fixed issue where imported world templates (.mctemplate) were not visible on Gear VR.
- Fixed an issue related to chunks not loading correctly in Realms. (REALMS-2037)
- Fixed skin texturing issue on “Alex” model.
- Light propagation now works correctly, fixing hostile mob spawning (MCPE-49616).
- Typing in the inventory Search field no longer creates lag (MCPE-64584).
- The smooth camera option (from full keyboard gameplay) is no longer jittery, and is smooth again (MCPE-54969).
- Fixed an issue with the Marketplace not always loading in correctly.
- Fixed an issue with notifications not showing in iOS.
- The hay blocks in the town center in the Abandoned Village seed are now generated correctly.
- The screen reader now only reads the generating world message once when converting worlds to Bedrock
- Ender Dragon’s fireball lingering particles are no longer invisible
- Activator rails now dismount players and other mobs at the correct position (MCPE-30744).
- The Wither’s spawning explosion no longer breaks obsidian (MCPE-59502).
- Obfuscated text color code works on signs placed in the world (MCPE-33780).
- Bamboo has been changed to be unpathable by mobs to prevent them getting stuck (MCPE-46805).
- Target block redstone signal duration is based on projectile type – Long for trident and arrows, short for other projectiles (MCPE-65413).
- Armor stands no longer shift and fall through blocks when a world is reloaded (MCPE-29170).
- Fixed ping latency clarity for users.
- Adjusted hopper hitbox shape (MCPE-47541).
- Set the default chat font to Mojangles (MCPE-45857).
- Gameplay
- Knockback resistance is now a scale instead of a probability.
- Entities now get pushed by flowing lava.
- Minecart hoppers now drop a hopper item when being destroyed by a ranged attack. (MCPE-55859)
- Placing a block against an interactive block while crouched no longer opens the UI.
- Interacting with a minecart hopper now opens the hopper screen and no longer blocks other screens from opening.
- Fixed Armor Stand and its contents dropping as items when broken when ‘Tile Drops’ rule is false.
- Flying Players are able to return to the overworld if an end portal is on their spawn point.
- Enchanted bows are no longer consumed when auto-crafting dispensers.
- Players can no longer breathe underwater when swimming under blocks with a Turtle Shell equipped. (MCPE-35769)
- TNT no longer drops as an item when exploded. (MCPE-38101)
- /locate now correctly displays the nearest structure. (MCPE-45526)
- Players no longer teleport through partial blocks when relogging. (MCPE-46858)
- Tools now make noise when they break. (MCPE-32355)
- State of Creative flying now remains after accessing world setting.
- Players no longer “swim” through the air after swimming in a bubble column. (MCPE-48958)
- Corals and Coral Fans now drop when mined with Axe or Shovel enchanted with Silk Touch.
- Magma blocks now melt top snow sitting on it.
- Mobs killed by lingering potions now drop XP and uncommon loot when the potion came from a player.
- Shulker boxes can now be undyed in a cauldron.
- Boats can now move and don’t get stuck when on top of all partial block. (MCPE-34580)
- Boats no longer continue sliding on bottom half slab.
- Fire charges are now consumed when used to light campfires. (MCPE-46217)
- Player is no longer displaced into solid blocks on respawn by non-solid blocks resulting in x-ray vision. (MCPE-53460)
- Kelp no longer stops growing at too low of a height. (MCPE-57330)
- Enchantment tables no longer display options with no attached enchant.
- Added the missing text for locked maps in the cartography table. (MCPE-58527)
- Players can transition from swimming to running on land more smoothly now.
- Casting a fishing rod whilst running no longer slows the player down. (MCPE-56199)
- The ‘Sound the Alarm’ achievement is now triggered only by hostile mobs and not players.
- The player’s hitbox is now correctly reset when unequipping elytra mid-flight.
- The correct amount of berries can now consistently be collected from sweet berry bushes. (MCPE-47160)
- Using shift/sneak now allows the player to move downward correctly when swimming.
- Fixed the respawn location so that players no longer wake up with their head in a block after sleeping.
- The raid bar now appears correctly when returning to an active raid from another dimension.
- Fixed a bug that would prevent Redstone power from passing through barrels after reloading a world. (MCPE-46742)
- Falling blocks (such as sand) no longer break when falling onto retracted pistons. (MCPE-20109)
- TNT no longer drops as an item when exploded.
- Fixed trapdoor collision shape. (MCPE-13451)
- Prevented elytra gliding rotations on the player when in the first-person view. (MCPE-53092)
- Explosions can now deal damage within water.
- Flying with elytra at high speeds no longer causes a sound to become jittery. (MCPE-19945, MCPE-52931)
- Mobs are now damaged and items are destroyed when on top of cactus blocks. (MCPE-14303)
- Fixed a bug that prevented repeating and chain command blocks from being opened. (MCPE-63089)
- Fixed an issue that would cause a ‘phantom’ water block to appear when placing water on a fire near a sponge block. (MCPE-57063)
- Fixed an issue where water from bubble columns could not be collected. (MCPE-37571)
- Stacked mine carts that occupy the same space now load and unload as expected. (MCPE-54244)
- Walking on scaffolding now makes correct sounds. (MCPE-53279)
- Players no longer be teleported underneath the main island when using an end gateway. (MCPE-63284)
- Fixed an issue that meant pillager patrols could spawn in unexpected places. (MCPE-58285)
- Fixed an issue that prevented inventories from being opened after riding a mount. (MCPE-63196)
- Blocks now lose their waterlogged state when pushed by a piston.
- Kelp now continues growing after being partially broken by a piston, and the piece below have a maximum random age of 24. (MCPE-57330)
- Blue wither skulls once again break obsidian. (MCPE-63223)
- Ender dragon fireball attacks no longer cause excessive damage. (MCPE-40344)
- Hopper minecarts now drop hoppers and minecarts when broken with a ranged weapon. (MCPE-55859)
- Multiple honey blocks can be crafted in the 2×2 crafting grid. (MCPE-63081)
- Crafting multiple honey blocks returns the correct amount of items to the player. (MCPE-63461, MCPE-58579)
- Water can now be collected from bubble columns (MCPE-37571)
- Casting a fishing rod will no longer attach itself to a parrot mounted on the player’s shoulder (MCPE-60361).
- Fully grown sweet berry bushes can now be harvested when holding bone meal (MCPE-54206).
- Parity: Carrot on a stick, shield, and shovel now lose durability consistently in Bedrock.
- Fire charges are now consumed after lighting a tnt block (MCPE-42938).
- Player icons no longer appear as white square on locator maps.
- Fixed an issue with villager goals which prevented them from working.
- Add translation to other languages with vocabulary different with Java
- Newly-created maps now start with the correct zoom level. (MCPE-63416)
- Fixed an issue where maps from converted ‘Editions’ worlds were at the wrong scale. (MCPE-58796)
- Fixed shearing a sheep not updating its texture to sheared sheep model. (MCPE-63188)
- Fixed an issue with some enchantments not working correctly. (MCPE-63124)
- Fixed an issue with music disc names not showing in the correct language.
- Fixed an issue with player experience being lost when reloading a world.
- Minecarts no longer collide with other minecarts on parallel tracks (MCPE-59302).
- Falling top snow can no longer break solid blocks (MCPE-63214).
- Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed villagers and players to respawn inside blocks when getting out of bed (MCPE-46064).
- The XP cost is now readable in the anvil UI screen (MCPE-51908).
- Bamboo can now be placed on top of bamboo saplings without Experimental Gameplay being enabled (MCPE-50088).
- Shields can now be dispensed and equipped to players.
- Pumpkins and melons will now grow when underneath observers (MCPE-48717).
- Fixed a bug that would cause the ender dragon to reset after leaving and returning to fight area (MCPE-51501).
- Fixed an issue with too many cats spawning in villages (MCPE-60331).
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Villagers to not link up to job sites correctly in multiplayer worlds (MCPE-49580).
- Fixed an issue that could cause overlapping Villages to be repeatedly created and destroyed
- Parity: Water now freezes from the edges, matching the Java Edition
- Flying too fast with elytra into an unloaded chunk will no longer cause death by kinetic energy (MCPE-55671).
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Redstone torches to get stuck on or off when reloading a world (MCPE-48054).
- XP orbs shoot in random directions once again (MCPE-58715).
- Using Quartz Block in a stonecutter now produces Quartz Slabs instead of Smooth Quartz slabs (MCPE-57925).
- Graphical
- Fire on half-slabs is now visible. (MCPE-44395)
- Changed Eye of Ender explode particles to match Java.
- Stopped offhand shield animation and bow animation from playing at the same time. (MCPE-41262)
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the cubemap from rendering correctly on Xbox One consoles.
- Items held by baby foxes now render correctly. (MCPE-52885)
- Stained glass now has the correct colors on maps. (MCPE-25702)
- Enchanted elytra now show the enchanted glow when equipped. (MCPE-23020)
- Lingering and splash potion particles now stay within their boundaries when in a confined space.
- Cakes now have the correct texture states when partially eaten. (MCPE-14757)
- Fixed an issue that would cause the armor to unexpectedly render on mobs when being held in its hand.
- Experience orbs have been data-driven.
- Fireballs have been data-driven.
- NPC geometry and animations have been data-driven.
- Items no longer flash green when being removed from a furnace.
- Fixed a bug where glass and water could be drawn incorrectly when close to each other.
- Fixed the custom glint texture issue when added to compasses.
- Fixed rendering issues for sign text through other transparent objects such as glass. (MCPE-55327)
- Fixed maps in item frames flashing purple and black image before the map loads.
- Animation scale now uses linear interpolation between keyframes.
- Fixed mobs in mob spawners not being visible. (MCPE-56879)
- Items held by mobs should now render correctly
- Mobs
- Mobs now pickup items and equip armor. (MCPE-14211)
- Tamed horses can no longer be tempted by food that cannot be used to breed them.
- Some mobs had a large delay for finding their nearest attackable target (Wolves attacking sheep).
- Endermen can now pick up some of the new Nether blocks.
- Endermen no longer pick up Netherrack.
- Squid now spawn more frequently. Ocean cap is now 4 and river cap is now 2. (MCPE-39758)
- Iron golems now ensure they can reach a target before choosing to attack it. (MCPE-42402)
- Jumping animation is no longer broken for horses.
- Polar Bear no longer chases player on its two back legs.
- Sheep no longer eat grass through partial blocks.
- Fixed issue where Enderman would not attack the player when looked at.
- Mobs no longer start shaking when entering minecarts.
- Fish no longer spawn in flowing water.
- Despawn rules have been changed to closely match Java despawn rules (MCPE-21856)
- This change allows mobs to more consistently spawn around the player and improve the frequency of mobs spawning underground while the player is exploring caves, as well as trying to farm areas that spawn specific mobs (e.g. wither skeletons, in nether fortresses).
- Any mobs that have been set to persist (tempted, name-tagged, tamed, bred, etc.) never naturally despawn.
- Almost all naturally spawning mobs automatically despawn when they are 54 blocks or further away from the nearest players.
- Fish automatically despawn at a max range of 40 blocks or further.
- If mobs are between 32 and 54 blocks from the nearest player, they must not take damage for 30 seconds as well as successfully roll a 1 in 800 chance to despawn
- Increased iron golem spawn rate and modified spawn rules. (MCPE-47157)
- Fixed the jumping animation of tamed horses.
- Fixed blaze path-finding and navigation. (MCPE-45469)
- Fixed a bug that allowed ghasts to exist when the difficulty was set to Peaceful. (MCPE-53383)
- Fixed an issue that was preventing pillager captains from being hostile. (MCPE-44987)
- Fixed an issue that was allowing fish to spawn in flowing water above ice blocks.
- Wolves now spawn in more biomes. (MCPE-49792)
- Small mobs no longer get trapped in gaps created by stair blocks.
- Villagers no longer run around inside their houses when being raided.
- Mobs no longer start shaking when entering minecarts.
- Guardians and elder guardians no longer float in the air as they try and reach the water. (MCPE-33641)
- Tweaked squid spawn rate and cap.
- Drowned can no longer drop tridents without having them equipped. (MCPE-32731)
- Fixed a bug that prevented cats from sleeping on a bed with the player
- Snow golems can now try and shoot snowballs at mobs when it is behind a fence block (MCPE-24840)
- Fixed a bug that allowed zombie villagers to break iron doors. (MCPE-43725)
- Sitting mobs no longer slide around and breed. (MCPE-62160)
- Mobs now consistently take damage when spawning on magma blocks. (MCPE-47518)
- Tweaked the iron golem strolling animation. (MCPE-63151)
- Fixed an issue that prevented polar bears, parrots, ocelots, and dolphins from being leashed. (MCPE-63095)
- Cured zombie villagers can now offer discounted trades. (MCPE-47040)
- Hostile mobs now correctly seek out and jump on turtle eggs. (MCPE-36244)
- Cured zombie villagers no longer inherit XP unexpectedly, which would prevent them from acquiring a new profession. (MCPE-48712)
- Villagers no longer become preoccupied with sharing carrots. (MCPE-32627)
- Vindicators that spawn in woodland mansions now use the spawned event and become hostile before being attacked. (MCPE-43208)
- Villagers now have a chance to offer trident enchantment books as trades. (MCPE-35406)
- Creepers in boats now deal damage to players nearby.
- Wolves once again heal when fed meat. (MCPE-63205)
- Creepers no longer lose aggro immediately after losing sight of its target (MCPE-32815).
- Ghast hitbox now matches its rendering (MCPE-44326).
- Fixed the “MeleeAttackGoal” to allow entities to hit target entities beneath them.
- The iron golem’s legs don’t swing as far anymore.
- Reduced the melee attack range of mounted mobs (MCPE-48539).
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented mobs from burning on bottom-half slabs (MCPE-32822).
- Turtles now lay eggs correctly (MCPE-59043).
- Guardians can now spawn in bubble columns (MCPE-37671).
- Fixed a bug that caused Vex mobs to move too slowly when moving on X and Z axes (MCPE-41879).
- Angry Bees are now slower (MCPE-53689).
- Blocks
- Walls do not have gaps anymore when stacked vertically.
- Trapdoor collision now matches their visual shape. (MCPE-13451)
- Paintings can no longer be placed on top of item frames.
- Cactus blocks now break when next to lava.
- Flowers in snow now break properly and drop the correct item. (MCPE-30147)
- Falling blocks no longer break when falling on ice blocks and glass.
- Falling blocks are now broken by partial blocks that are placed above piston arms facing up.
- Mycelium no longer wrongly turns to dirt due to not having enough light.
- Wall signs attached to doors are no longer left floating after the bottom half of the door is broken (MCPE-43748).
- Smooth quartz now uses the correct texture (MCPE-42276).
- Using Silk Touch on giant mushrooms now drops the correct blocks (MCPE-34114).
- Redstone torches will no longer get stuck on or off when reloading the world (MCPE-48054).
- Controls
- Quality of life changes to the inventory screen when using a controller. Controls are now more user friendly and closer resemble the controls when using mouse and keyboard. (MCPE-34912)
- The player can now strafe downward in water while swimming by holding the sneak button.
- Control profile now properly switches to water controls when getting out of a bed underwater. (MCPE-49632)
- Sounds
- Flying with elytra at high speeds no longer causes the sound to become jittery. (MCPE-19945)
- User interface
- The player can no longer type beyond what can be seen in the Book and Quill.
- Adjusted hover text position in inventory to respect input mode (controller mode should show hover text at the edge of the currently selected element).
- Carve tooltip is now displayed when pointing shears at a pumpkin.
- Tooltip for leaving boat is now consistent across platforms.
- Added Grow tooltip when pointing bone meal at compatible blocks.
- Can no longer accidentally open keyboard when using book and quill with touch controls.
- Fixed a bug that could sometimes prevent the loading screen tips from showing correctly
- Entities and blocks are now shown consistently in the structure block’s preview.
- The tooltip for leaving a boat is now consistent across platforms.
- The “grow” controller tooltip now shows when pointing bone meal at grass blocks or blocks underwater.
- The “Require players to accept resource packs to join” checkbox is now visible again.
- Fixed the ‘Take a tour’ navigation arrows in the Marketplace.
- Fixed iOS keyboard covering the text input box when typing. (MCPE-53030)
- Parity: Anvils now read “Enchantment Cost” rather than “XP Cost”.
- Accessibility
- Fixed a bug that could cause the narrator to read the text twice on Xbox One.
- The text-to-speech reader now reads URLs properly.
- Items
- Unloaded crossbows no longer display the incorrect icon in the inventory. (MCPE-53545)
- Commands
- Updated the grammar in the /scoreboard command description to make it consistent with other commands.
- Instant effects now use ticks instead of seconds when used with the /effect command. (MCPE-43393)
- Item tags can now be toggled in the UI using /gamerule showtags.
- Add-ons & scripting
- Implemented a fix to ensure the player’s mount updates all riders to ensure consistent smooth rotation for all riders.
- The delayed_attack behavior no longer causes mobs to freeze when they lose their target.
- The on_unleash event is now triggered correctly when unleashing from a fence.
- The ‘Create New World’ button text is now using the global color component.
- Custom entities that use the runtime identifier field now use the custom entity’s name rather than the vanilla entity’s name. (MCPE-56229)
- Fixed the circle_around_anchor behavior, which could cause mobs to freeze when there were blocks nearby.
- Dispensed splash and lingering potions now have potion effects in their projectile component.
- Fixed collision box not updating from the script.
- The damage_sensor component now works on non-mob actors (such as ender crystals).
- A mob spawned in the air no longer thinks it’s on the ground once its movement is ticked.
- Entities no longer freeze when a component group containing a navigation component is removed.
- Removed type property from minecraft:shooter as it was never used.
- Updated minecraft:spawn_entity to have an internal entities object or array.
- Updated the minecraft:behavior.circle_around_anchor behavior.
- Added attack_chance to the minecraft:behavior.defend_village_target goal.
- Fixed removed or destroyed entities querying as valid in script.
- Invalid items in the spawn_item field of a minecraft:spawn_entity now display an error.
- StompEggGoal no longer uses search_count as it now searches all blocks in the specified area.
- Fixed navigation.walk to handle the case where it is used on a flying entity, so that the flying entity will not cause lag while it is touching the ground.
- The minecraft:density_limit component is now documented in the Spawn Rules documentation section (MCPE-61126).
- A content error will now show up if the player provides an invalid item name to minecraft:interact in the transform_to_item field.
- Switching to a different geometry using a render controller now immediately change the geometry in-game.
- Fixes for selectors with an empty tag as argument @e[tag=] and @e[tag=!].
- Implemented AvoidMobTypeDefinition and converted hardcoded properties to be data-driven.
- A content error will now show up if the player provides an invalid item name to minecraft:interact in the transform_to_item field.
- Add documentation for minecraft:density_limit (MCPE-61126).
- Adding a new subject to filters so damage sensors can filter on projectiles.
- Fixed an issue with custom brewing recipes.
- Character creator
- Fixed an issue that could cause the wings costume piece to disappear with certain hairstyles.
- Fixed the default player model to overcome some texture issues that could be seen when choosing different heights and sizes in the character creator.
- Various user interface fixes.
- The achievements screen can now be viewed through the character creator dressing room.
- Fixed an issue that meant some character creator selections would not be saved between sessions. (MCPE-32089)
Source: Minecraft
We updated to the nether update on PS4 and we get to the point of opening or creating a world but then it crashes and we get the blue screen with CE – 34878-0 error!! We deleted Minecraft and reinstalled like some have suggested and still the same issue. PS4 is at the latest update too. We even waited a few days (today) from when the nether came out hoping maybe a patch would come… today we tried all the above again and not good. My son is beside himself with frustration. Any suggestions?
Hello, I heard that Mojang changed raid farms quite a bit so that they no longer produce emeralds or enchanted books… Is this true? I tried to read through the patch notes, but it was a bit hard to read it all; thx!!!
after this update our ps4 won’t get past the red mojang screen after opening minecraft. is there any news on how to fix this?
You just have to wait a bit, I had the same problem.
the same issue, how can I explain it to my son who is addicted 🙁
Finished downloading and installing nether update but now the game freezes. Is this due to the old worlds not being full compatible with the new update? never did this previously. TIA
My son has just downloaded mine craft update 2.07 and now it doesn’t work any suggestions on how to get it working again. It comes with a message of CE – 34878-0, I’ve done what it has ask to no answer. Thanx
Doesn’t get past the red Mojang load screen when starting. What’s the fix for this.
same here
Trying deleting Minecraft and reinstalling. Had the same problem and this fixed it for me. Good luck 🙂
Hi Melissa,
When you deleted and reinstalled, were your saved games still present after the reinstall?
Just wait a second it works after a few minutes, I had the same problem.
Will i have to make a new world? Or will my current one be updated?
did they fix the unable to join issue?