Pathea Games has released a new update to “My Time At Portia“, but patch v1.0 is more of a minor hotfix.
The update fixes some bugs in the game, there are no significant new content.
My Time At Portia v1.0 – Hotfix 3 Patch Notes
- Added a diagram for the Triple Barrel Snakebite at Total Tools (the item has been deleted from the worktable and players can buy it after fixing the lift).
- Added a function to allow items to be used on the assembly machine, direct from the warehouse.
- Fixed the bug causing the storage box UI to freeze.
- Fixed the bug causing the house to disappear when it does not have the default appearance, when the player moves it in A&G Construction, and when the it has the default level 4 appearance (blue & white).
- Fixed the crash when the player presses ‘ESC’ while fishing.
- Fixed the bug affecting the Chicken Run mission, where players would not receive any eggs.
- Fixed the bug preventing the Photos of Portia mission from being completed.
- Fixed the bug where the system language will not be detected when you first install the game and so the game language may be different.
- Fixed the bug that in the Crash Station mission, players cannot find Ack.
- Fixed the bug where the interaction bubble might be scaled down while fishing.
- Fixed the bug from preventing the player from customising the baby’s name.
- Fixed the bug causing the maximum number for the recycle machine and repair machine to be incorrect.
- Fixed the bug that when getting down from a mount, players will automatically be distanced from it.
- Fixed the bug that when getting down from the mount in the sky, the mount might freeze in the sky.