Blizzard today released Update for Overwatch, a client patch (2.65 PS4) is available for download, for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
Among other things, the heroes will be adapted with the update and some bugs fixed. In addition, the new seasonal event begins: Overwatch Anniversary 2019. Below you will find the complete patch notes.
Overwatch Update Version – Patch Notes 2.65
- Immortality Field
- If it lands on a moving platform, it will move along with the platform
Wrecking Ball
- Minefield
- If a mine lands on a moving platform, it will move along with the platform
- Fixed a bug where Immortality Field would become stuck under some objects
- Fixed a bug where Immortality Field would behave oddly when placed on a moving platform
- Fixed a bug where a healing grenade would appear in his Biotic Launcher when it is out of ammo
- Fixed a bug where the healing grenades from the Biotic Launcher wouldn’t hit teammates when deflected by Genji’s Deflect
- Fixed a bug where D.Va’s speed when using Boosters decreased dramatically when flying over some platforms
- Fixed a bug where Genji couldn’t climb up certain pillars on the Havana map
- Fixed a bug where Hanzo couldn’t climb up certain pillars on the Havana map
- Fixed a bug with Moira’s Scientist skin where her lab coat would clip into itself while using the Erlenmeyer victory pose
- Fixed a bug where damage boosting from a teammate’s ability (such as Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix) would count towards Orisa’s damage amplified statistic when using Supercharger
Overwatch Anniversary
- Some event rewards (Skins, Icons, etc.) aren’t translated into Japanese. We’re working on finishing up these translations. We’ll add these translations in an upcoming release.
- The in-game link to the Workshop Forum will currently send you to the English, Chinese, or Korean forum, depending on your region. This will be fixed in an upcoming release.
- Workshop isn’t completely translated into Japanese. We’re working on finishing up the translations. We’ll add these translations in an upcoming release.
Source: Blizzard