Blizzard released Update for Overwatch today. We have the full patch notes for this update on March 12th.
Overwatch Update 2.84 can now be downloaded for all platforms. With today’s update adds a number of new features including the ability to view replay data.
Overwatch Patch Notes 2.84
New Feature: Share Replays
Players can now share their in-game replays with others!
A replay is shared via an alphanumeric code typically 6 characters long. The code can be shared however you want: in game, on forums, over social media. Another player can input that code and watch your replay. Codes are valid until the next patch.
The replay system has also received several improvements:
- Pin up to 10 replays to keep until the next patch. Unpin a replay to make room for a different replay
- The 10 most recently imported replay codes are tracked. This allows you to watch the same imported replay again without retyping the code
- There is a new note field for each replay entry, allowing you to add descriptions or notes for yourself
General Updates
- In game friend requests will now only display in game once per session
- RealID friend requests will only show RealID names in game if you have recently played with that player
- The initial Assemble Heroes timer for games using the Assault, Hybrid, Control, and Payload game modes has been further reduced from 35 to 30 seconds
- In the Assault, Payload, and Hybrid game modes for Competitive Play, when both teams complete a round of offense and have more than 2 minutes of time bank then each team’s time bank is equally reduced until one of the teams has a 2 minutes remaining
- Example: If Team A completes a round of offense on Volskaya with 4:37 remaining in their time bank, and Team B completes their round on offense with 2:50 remaining, then 50 seconds is removed from each team’s timebank. This leaves the teams tied 2-2 and Team A with 3:47 remaining and Team B with 2:00 remaining
- Season 3 of Competitive 6v6 Lockout Elimination has begun!
Exo Boots
- Charge time reduced from 1 to 0.7 seconds
Regenerative Burst
- Cooldown lowered from 15 to 13 seconds
- Cooldown increased from 3 to 4 seconds
Ice Wall
- Cooldown increased from 10 to 13 seconds
- Player collision now allows large heroes to fit through 1 pillar gaps
Fusion Driver (Primary Fire)
- Damage increased from 10 to 11
Gravitic Flux
- Ultimate cost reduced 10%
- Flight speed increased 30%
Soldier: 76
Helix Rockets
- Cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds
Machine Pistol (Primary Fire)
- Spread decreased by 10%
- Fixed a bug that could cause the “New” tag to remain on the “Player Icon” menu tab even after viewing the new icon(s)
- Fixed a UI bug that could cause both teams to show 100% at the end of a Control Point map
- Fixed a bug that could cause friend request “toasts” to be permanently displayed on screen when getting more than one request at a time
- Fixed a bug that could cause several heroes’ ultimate sounds to be silent when observing in third-person
- Fixed an issue preventing replays from recording in Custom Games that start immediately
- Fixed a bug that caused hero portraits in the Hero Select screen to appear blurry / low resolution
- Fixed a bug where Slept or Knocked Down heroes could not be walked over by enemies
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to stand in an unintended location near the final checkpoint
- Brick Skin: Fixed a bug that caused Bastion’s brick bullets to grow in size after shooting through a Mei Icewall
- Fixed an issue where Orisa’s supercharger placed on Petra’s breakable floors was not properly being destroyed along with the floor
- Fixed a bug that resulted in assisted or environment kills not being counted in Reinhardt’s Charge Kills stat, if the killed player was first knocked back by Reinhardt’s charge
- Fixed a bug where Sigma’s Gravitic Flux animation would play even if he was slept or stunned
- Fixed a bug where Sombra’s translocator placed on Petra’s breakable floors was not properly being destroyed along with the floor
- Fixed a bug where Zarya’s Projected Barriers could prevent mutual knockdowns from happening between charging heroes
- Fixed an issue causing Player Joined Message to trigger multiple times when a player joined the match
- Fixed an issue preventing Set Team Score/Modify Team Score from working in Assault, Hybrid, and Payload
- Fixed an issue causing the editor to eat the last character of a unicode string when pasting in text
- Fixed an issue preventing “Is Firing Primary” from returning true when Doomfist shoots his last bullet
- Fixed an issue causing “Disallow Button” to fail to disable Reaper’s Shadow Step
- Renamed “Spectators” to “Non-Team Spectators” in Create HUD Text and Create In-World Text for clarity
- Fixed an issue preventing the Non-Team Spectators option from working properly in Create HUD Text and Create In-World Text
Source: Blizzard