Blizzard has released the Overwatch Update version 2.57 for PS4, Xbox One and PC. We have all the details and full patch notes for this update.
Highlights of the Overwatch Patch 2.57 include “Ana’s Bastet Challenge” and the “Overwatch League 2019” Season Skins.
The event Anas Bastet Challenge runs until January 21st. As you take on the challenges, you’ll be able to unlock sprays, a player icon, a winning pose, and Ana’s epic Bastet skin.
Below you will find all details about the new content and the improvements.
Overwatch Update Version 2.57 (PS4) Patch Notes (PC, Xbox One)
Ana’s Bastet Challenge
We’re bringing Ana’s journey in the short story “Bastet” to Overwatch with some special, unlockable in-game content. Wins in Quick Play, Competitive Play, or Arcade will all earn you a limited-time player icon, victory pose, and a new epic skin: BASTET ANA!
Tune in to participating Twitch broadcasters while they’re playing Overwatch anytime through January 21 to earn five Ana’s Bastet Challenge sprays!
Overwatch League 2019 Season Skins
Team uniforms come to life as in-game skins! Skin are now ready to equip in-game for the eight new Overwatch League 2019 teams: Atlanta Reign, Chengdu Hunters, Guangzhou Charge, Hangzhou Spark, Paris Eternal, Toronto Defiant, Vancouver Titans, and Washington Justice. Represent your favorite team (or teams) in-game with skins for every hero.
- Status effect icons now display on the afflicted heroes’ portraits
- An option to toggle an over-the-shoulder spectator camera is now available. This feature can be found under Options > Gameplay > Use Simple 3P Spectator Camera
- An option to mute voice lines while spectating is now available. This feature can be found under Options > Gameplay > Enable Voice Lines While Spectating
- Fixed a bug that caused Ashe’s scoped view to stutter when playing with a high framerate
- Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte to pivot when exiting third-person view after lowering her Barrier Shield
- Fixed a bug that caused Reinhardt’s Earthshatter to not be visible to other players if he used it while recovering from a stun
- Fixed a bug that caused Reinhardt to pivot when exiting third-person view after lowering his Barrier Field
- Fixed a bug that caused Torbjörn’s turret to be built at an extreme angle if it landed on the edge of an object
- Fixed a bug that prevented Winston from dealing damage when landing at the maximum range of Jump Pack
- Fixed a bug that prevented players’ Competitive Points deduction from visually updating after purchasing a golden weapon
Blizzard World
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to stand on the chimney above the attacker’s initial spawn room
- Fixed a bug that prevented the blast shields from moving in MEKA Base while in a skirmish match
- Fixed a bug that caused the railing above the first objective to block projectiles after being destroyed
King’s Row
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to stand on top of the sign for Moriarty’s Fine Books behind the first objective
Overwatch is available now on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
Source: PlayOverwatch