The developers of Phantom Doctrine have released patch 1.0.4! Patch 1.0.4 fixes most of the LoS / LoF, animation, and combat system issues.
We have the complete patch notes for you, there you will find all the details for the update.
Phantom Doctrine 1.0.4 Patch Notes
Major improvements:
- weapon ranges and viewing distances rebalanced
- new visualizations for characters leaning out of full cover (increasing visibility for the full cover sidesteps)
- improved AI behaviors
- revealing an enemy attacker in Fog of War for the duration of the attack
- characters no longer perform unnecessary sidesteps
Bug fixes:
- fixed a continuity issue with the Omikron Detention mission under specific circumstances
- fixed a continuity issue with the Locate Lamster mission under specific circumstances
- fixed an issue with icons disappearing from the world map in specific conditions
- solved an issue where occasionally the campaign could be continued after failing a story mission
- fixed an occasional issue caused by an operative shooting from within a gas cloud
- numerous fixes to minor issues with collisions/visibility caused by objects on maps