Cheers Pokémon hunter, with the latest update 0.133.0, Pokémon GO has changed some of the weather. New is, that from now on more Pokémon with weather bonus.
Pokemon Go Patch 0.133.0 which changes do we experience with the weater?
In the update 0.133.0 Niantic has introduced some innovations. To tell you two things for example, they reduced the visibility in the game and introduced gender-specific developments. But there is another thing, that you will experience playing the updated version, the developers have changed a lot about the weather.
On Reddit, many players report Pokémon sightings, which are unlikely to occur. You can imagine what this is happening, they are reinforced by the weather.
Which differences do we experience with the weather?
In past months you did not really notice an effect of the weather. Although you could find Pokémon with weather boost in the wild, they were actually just as common as any other Pokémon.
Monsters like Schneppke, Panzaeron or Loturzel hardly ever got out in the right weather. You couldn’t be sure and it was discussed if Driftlon even appears in the wild anymore.
If you take a look at the attached list, you can see directly that there are a few Pokémon that are rather rare. If there is snow while playing, you will be able to find numerous Panzaeron or Schneppke. Even Driftlon appears more often in windy weather.
Depending on the weather conditions, the Pokémon types are now much more noticeable and are also reinforced.
Followed weathear effects these Pokémon types:
- Cloudy: Poison, Fight, Fairy
- Fog: Ghost, Unlight
- Rain: Electric, Water, Bug
- Sunny: Plant, Soil, Fire
- Snow: Ice, Steel
- Windy: Flight, Dragon, Psycho
- Partly Cloudy, Normal, Stone
How does this effect the players? Especially the Shiny hunters come here at their expense. If you still have snow in the game, you can find Schneppke. Otherwise this Pokémon appears very hardly. In windy weather you are able to find Natu or Driftlon quite often. All these Pokémon can be Shiny.
Use the advanteges of the different weather conditions to complete your collection!
Did you realize these changes? Did the Update help you to find some Pokémon you did not find before? Use the comments below!