The patch notes for PUBG Update 1.06 were released by the developers for the PS4 and the Xbox One. The update adds the new Vikendi Map and more.
The battlefields of PlayerUnknown (PUBG) will receive a new update soon. This update is important as it adds the new snow map Vikendi to the game. Patch 1.06 also includes additional fixes and changes in PUBG to enhance the gameplay experience.
PUBG Update 1.06 Patch Notes Vikendi Update
- Minimap: Players can now further magnify the minimap
- Player order consistency: Player order between the lobby and in-game is now consistent so that players will have fixed numbers and colors based on lobby order when they enter a game.
- Added field of view slider in First Person Perspective mode (FPP) settings
New Map: Vikendi
The existing Supply system will be integrated with Survivor Pass: Vikendi on January 22.
Region Renewal, Season & Rank, Leaderboard
Survival Title System (Beta Season 1) has been added
Map Selection
Play Menu UI Renewal
- Decreased recoil of the P18C
- Added auto-reload option
- When enabled, you will reload weapons automatically when you try to fire while your magazine is empty
- By default, this is set to “Off” but can be changed in the Gameplay menu
- Maximum number of Forward Running Sensitivity has changed from 50 to 100
- The maximum value would stay the same, so if your Forward Running Sensitivity was 10, it will change to 20
- This is to have a more specific value
- Improved the sound settings in option
- The sound settings are now separated into Master Volume, FX Volume, UI Volume and Music Volume
Parachute System Overhaul
- Improved the client performance by optimizing the creation of character materials
- Improved performance by mitigating an issue causing thin objects to flicker.
- Optimized particles in rainy weather.
- Adjusted the parachute and character sync rate depending on the distance to improve server performance
- Improved the items and skins to look smoother on preview
- Added characters, weapon skins and parachute preview
- Optimized rendering method on vegetation to improve performance
- Optimized object creation to improve CPU performance
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where players could sometimes climb stairs much faster while moving diagonally next to the wall.
- Fixed the issue where a downed players’ character model would sometimes penetrate walls.
- Fixed the issue where characters would look like they were sliding while standing up if they took out a weapon and stood up at the same time.
- Fixed the issue where characters would look headless when using heal/boost while in prone or when in a vehicle in FPP.
- Fixed the issue where a player appeared to slide when standing up or moving while going prone before landing from a certain height.
- Fixed the issue where some animations were cancelled when moving with certain steps
- Fixed the issue where sometimes an enemy player was seen shooting with the weapon at the back of the character
- Fixed the issue where you can sometimes see through walls and rock surfaces while riding the motorcycle.
- Fixed the issue where your camera sometimes goes through the vehicle when the vehicle is leaning on an object.
- Fixed the issue where ADS worked unreliably when ADSing right after equipping a weapon.
- Fixed the issue where a player sometimes received collision damage from a motorcycle when another player picked up the motorcycle.
- Fixed an issue where a character would sometimes rotate even though its feet are fixed when the screen is rotated more than 180 degrees left or right.
- Fixed the issue where a player’s motion was sometimes shown as scoping when taking steps next to a wall.
- Fixed the issue where characters could vault over other characters when positioned at certain heights.
- Fixed the issue where a player would sometimes clip through the floor of a building when disembarking a motorcycle.
- Fixed the issue where a character’s animation would pop upward when getting close to the wheels of a buggy.
- Fixed the issue of where a character’s animation would pop upward when crouching and standing up near a vehicle.
- Fixed an issue where player couldn’t see his/her teammate’s character in lobby after a match intermittently
- Fixed an issue where player couldn’t loot some items such as weapon or ammo on the ground
- Fixed an issue causing a character to be headless when wearing certain skins
- Fixed an issue where players could shoot in an abnormal direction in free-look
- Fixed an issue where characters’ hands would spin while looking up when looting or preparing to throw a throwable in FPP.
- Fixed an issue where players could get into certain terrain of Miramar which should be impossible
- Fixed an issue where player can stand up from a prone position faster than usual in certain conditions.
- Fixed the issue where players could use weapons while swimming if they kept pushing the weapon equip button near rocks.
- Fixed an issue which caused the screen to shake excessively when spectating an opponent who was firing a weapon.
- Fixed the issue where when freefalling out of the plane and pressing particular movement keys, certain animations didn’t play correctly.
- Fixed the issue where the footstep sounds of players moving at low speed (walking when crouching) was not played to other players.
- Fixed an issue where the character’s footsteps couldn’t be heard when on carpet
- Fixed the issue where when click the “Play” button, game was frozen in the lobby.
- Fixed the issue where world map and wheel menu could be opened at the same time.
- Fixed the issue where a spot at the back of the truck and buggy would block bullets.
- Fixed the issue where when plane flew around you, the sound of plane was not played.
- Fixed a rare bug where teammates would receive friendly-fire damage, even if you weren’t aiming at them while shooting
- Fixed the issue when the character passed through the barbed wire, it penetrates the character’s body or cause unexpected termination.
- Fixed the issue where the hair would not show when wearing certain beanies
- Fixed the issue where the effect sound of the Adrenaline Syringe continuously play even after canceling
- Fixed an issue where vehicle horns continued to sound after exiting a vehicle while horning
- Fixed the issue where the team list does not correspond when observing his/her teammate and changing camera.
- Fixed an issue where the casting gauge for health/boosting items and reviving was not shown while observing
- Fixed an issue where the number of available throwables would not update when picking up a throwable while holding a throwable as well
- Fixed an issue the bolt action of the observee was shown incorrectly while observing
- Fixed an issue where the quick marker was unable to remove while observing
- Fixed an issue where the animation for equipping/unequipping the weapon was shown incorrectly after the observee stands up from prone while observing
- Fixed an issue where the motorcycle was not mountable on certain angle
- Fixed an issue where the sound of emote played just before the round begins at the in-game lobby continued to play even after riding the plane
- Fixed an issue where the camera passed through the door on certain angle when ADSing close to the door while holding a handgun
- Fixed an issue where helmet skins applied in the lobby are sometimes delayed from appearing on looted in-game helmets.
- Fixed an issue where characters can’t pick up a dropped melee weapon again after dropping it on specific stairs in Erangel.
- Fixed an issue where grenades would sometimes damage an incorrect area.
- Fixed an issue where the grenade arc would stay displayed when knocked down while preparing to throw a grenade.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes a character would be shown as under the ground with only their face showing while waiting in specific areas before the game starts.
- Fixed an issue that the camera angle would move into the character’s body when walking into destroyed wired-fence.
- Fixed an issue that causes the camera to pass through doors when moving the camera in certain situations.
- Fixed an issue where an enemy player would appear to prone/stand up multiple times in specific situations, after proning and standing up once.
- Fixed an issue where in certain situations the door opening/closing animations did not play when another player interacted with the door.
- Fixed an issue where green blood was more visible than red blood.
- Fixed an issue with reconnecting while in a vehicle, which would remove the player from the vehicle and upon reconnect the player model would sometimes be clipped inside the vehicle.
- Fixed an issue where care packages would sometimes drop outside the playable area, in the water.
- Fixed an issue which sometimes caused care packages to drop from the plane tilted, or flipped upside down.
- Fixed an issue where each weapon had a different delay between reloading and being able to fire
- Fixed an issue that caused the region indicator in-game beneath the health bar to display as “UNKNOWN”
- Fixed an issue which caused vehicles to sometimes pass through players, when rolling down a hill
- Fixed an issue when laying prone right next to a wall, your weapon could move through the wall in FPP
- Fixed an issue which caused character animations to look unnatural when players were pushed by a vehicle moving down a hill
- Fixed an issue which cause the camera to shake while ADS and moving in a prone position on sloped terrain
- Fixed an issue which caused ammo capacity to display up to 6 decimal places
- Fixed an issue which while spectating could cause the spectated player’s weapon to display in a misaligned position