PUBG has received a new update 7 today, patch 1.12 is ready for download, for PS4 and Xbox One.
This new PUBG update brings some new weapons, revamps the user interface for some features, and adds support for Survivor Pass 3 and Survivor Title System Season 2 as part of this new update.
PUBG Update 7 Patch Notes 1.12 (PS4, Xbox One)
New Weapon: MP5K
Survivor Pass 3: Wild Card
Survival Title System Season 2
Weapon Balance
- M16A4
- This will help increase M16A4 efficiency when fighting over long distances
- When firing using burst mode, the initial recoil has been decreased
- Increased the range before damage fall-off occurs
- Canted Sights and the Tactical Stock can now be attached to the M16A4
- The Tactical Stock will decrease recoil recovery time, animation kick and weapon sway, while also improving ADS speed and hipfire accuracy
- Vector
- Vector has been rechambered to use 9mm ammo
- Magazine capacity has been increased to 19 bullets by default and 33 with an extended mag (was 13/25)
- Damage decreased from 34 to 31 due to above changes
- Muzzle velocity changed to 380m/s (previously 300m/s)
- UMP45
- The UMP9 has been rechambered to use 45ACP ammo and is now called the UMP45.
- Magazine capacity has been adjusted to 25 bullets by default and 35 with an extended mag (was 30/40)
- Gunshot sounds have been changed to be more realistic
- Muzzle velocity changed to 300m/s (previously 400m/s)
- MK47 Mutant
- Tactical Stock can now be attached to the MK47 Mutant
- The Tactical Stock will decrease recoil recovery time, animation kick and weapon sway, while also improving ADS speed and hipfire accuracy
- Attachments Balance Modification
- When equipped to Pistols, the size of the sight will be reduced to fit more appropriately
- SMG and Pistol attachments have been combined and can now be used on both weapon types
- Bullets Loops for Shotguns, Win94 and Kar98k have been combined into one item called Ammo Loops
- Holo Sights can now attach to pistols
- Hit Area Damage Multiplier Changes
- Increased SMG limb shot damage from 120% of base damage to 125%
- Increased SR body shot damage from 110% of base damage to 130%
- Decreased the base damage of the AWM from 120 to 105.
- Please check our Dev Letter for more information about the SR damage multiplier changes.
- Gameplay Balance
- Decreased the overall aim punch (aim sway) applied when being shot by an enemy
- First aid kits will no-longer heal instantly after use timer and will instead restore health over a 2 second period
- Vehicles now block players from receiving grenade damage with a similar mechanism used for other objects. Although, depending on grenade position and trajectory, damage can still be dealt to players hiding behind vehicles.
Item Spawn Balance Modification
Erangel Loot Changes
The overall item spawn rates on Erangel have been increased. Additionally, we’ve increased the spawn rate of some major weapon classes.
- Increased the spawn rate of ARs (12%), DMRs (16%) and SMGs (14%)
- SRs and Handguns received a slight spawn rate increase
Movement Rustling Sound
- In-game lobby background and BGM has been changed
- System menu UI which can be accessed by pressing the Start button has been redesigned
- Emotes customization UI has been redesigned
- Starting at 12 o’clock position, 4 of the emotes positioned counter-clockwise you previously equipped will be unequipped.
- You can customize your emotes in the EMOTES tab within the CUSTOMIZATION menu.
- The maximum number of emote you can use in-game has been changed to 8 from 12
- Optimized level streaming and improved the loading speed of proximate buildings by 30~40%.
- Material data structure has been optimized.
- Streaming priority has been optimized based on the prediction of the player’s movement direction.
- Loading speed of internal objects in buildings has been optimized.
- Level LOD data has been optimized.
- Please check our Dev Letter for more information about the loading speed optimization.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where footsteps on a steel surface made sound of incorrect material in Sanhok
- Fixed an issue where characters got stuck on the ceiling when vaulting on certain objects in Sanhok
- Fixed an issue where vines over the wires in Camp Bravo blocked bullets in Sanhok
- Fixed an issue where players were able to see past walls by abusing the emote mechanism
- Fixed an issue where players were able to open or close doors, despite a vehicle blocking it
- Fixed an issue where players were briefly able to see through a thin wall when leaning against it
- Fixed an issue where when a player was damaged by two Molotov Cocktails, the player who threw the first will be credited with the kill.
- Fixed an issue where the smoke coming from a grenade explosion outlines players inside the smoke grenade
- Fixed an issue where players are unable to lean while standing on a crossbow
- Fixed an issue where players with poor network connectivity take no damage when exiting moving vehicles
- Fixed an issue where characters hands move abnormally when switching firing mode on the Bizon
- Fixed an issue where the Inventory UI displays incorrectly when equipping certain attachments on the QBZ
- Fixed an issue where a specific object prevents Care Packages from landing on the ground
- Fixed an issue where players are unable to be revived after the game client is forcibly closed or has crashed
- Fixed an issue where certain object appear in different locations to other players
- Fixed an issue which caused heavy FPS drops momentarily using hotkeys to mute or change audio channels.
- Fixed an issue where automatic mini-map zoom wasn’t being activated while inside the plane or parachuting
- Fixed an issue where using L1 or R1 while observing would sometimes only cycle between two players
- Fixed an issue where the canted sight increased ADS speed of other scopes attached
- Fixed an issue where attaching a specific magazine on the Beryl would display the incorrect magazine model
- Fixed an issue where switching from the main sight to canted sight would reset reticle brightness
- Fixed an issue where the camera momentarily moves up and down when vaulting inside of a building
- Fixed an issue where a character model shakes when moving to prone
- Fixed an issue which players could drive through a window on a motorbike without breaking the glass
- Fixed an issue where the reload animation was played twice when you pressing firing key multiple times while reloading Kar98k
- Fixed an issue where the care package would penetrate a character when a character is on the landing spot
- Fixed an issue where items get stuck on the floor and are unable to be picked up in certain location