The responsible developers of Remnant From the Ashes released a PC hotfix update today. We have the full patch notes for this update on May 12th.
The Remnant: From the Ashes update has the version number 236263 and can now be downloaded from Steam.
Remnant From The Ashes Hotfix 236263 Patch Notes
Build: 236263
[ General ]
Disappearing Items
Fixed an issue causing disappearing items in MP under certain circumstances
DEVELOPER COMMENT: In the last patch, we prevented this from happening on new characters, however, on current characters that had already triggered this bug, it would still happen. Now, characters that have (or will) skipped tutorial to immediately join a multiplayer game should no longer see this issue again.
[ Player ]
Mod Generation
Fixed a bug that enabled damage boosts to generate huge amounts of Mod Power
DEVELOPER COMMENT: A while ago, we fixed a bug that was causing high level weapons to generate more mod power than low level weapons. However, the bug persisted with damage boosting mods. At the highest levels of gear (and higher levels of Survival), mods were filling almost instantly. We fixed this issue and went through all mods to adjust their buildup values. See “Mods” for more info.
Mod Generation Overlap
Fixed a bug that prevented extra mod power from filling unfilled charges
DEVELOPER COMMENT: For mods with charges, when a player filled a charge, additional mod generation for the next charge was clipped. This means that if you had 25 power remaining to fill a charge, and you generated 100 mod power, you’d only generate 25 to fill that mod and the remaining 75 mod power would disappear. Now, the overlap mod generation will carry into any additional charges that are currently unfilled. This makes mod generation much smoother for mods with charges!
Trait: Spirit
Increased max value from 20% to 25%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the change to mod generation, we wanted to boost up the Spirit Trait a small amount to make it even more enticing. We may increase this over time as we monitor buildup!
[ Survival ]
Reduced enemy health gain by 4% per world level increase
Increased boss health from 150% to 135%
Added small exponential HP scalar per level
DEVELOPER COMMENT: In the last update, we increased the base HP for all enemies by 4% and increased the base HP for all enemies as well. Players were having a harder time at early levels, so instead, we reduced the values and added a small exponential HP scalar per world level up. The scalar is small so that has almost no noticeable effect on enemy HP until about level 10. The values are also much closer to the original DLC release tuning for the first 10 or so levels. As players get into much higher world levels, this change will become more obvious.
Fixed Survival Mode Consumables to use proper Survival Mode values
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We noticed that some of the 1-hour consumables in Survival Mode were still using the Campaign Mode values behind the scenes. They’ve all been updated to give the appropriate values listed in their description. This should also make them much more viable in-game.
Fix for normal gametypes appearing in Survival Matchmaking
[ Items ]
Campaign DLC Trinkets
Enabled Campaign DLC-flagged trinkets so they can be used on pickup
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Certain bugged trinkets that we made visible in the last patch began showing up in Campaign for players with no DLC. This was thinning out their loot pool with items they couldn’t use, so we enabled them for use for all players.
Daredevil Charm
Increased Damage Bonus from 25% per piece to 30%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The previous version was approximately a 20% damage buff against all pure armor and damage loadouts. However, it came with a heavy penalty of no protection. This worked decently in Campaign but due to Flat Armor Gain in Survival, it became too strong. However, with the Armor gain issue in Survival fixed, this trinket became less worth the risk. We increased the total damage over all DPS builds by approximately 30% (give or take) in all modes.
Band of Castor / Band of Pollux Combo
Fixed a bug that prevented clients from receiving the paired bonus
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The paired bonus wasn’t working under certain conditions and we identified why. Players should now be able to utilize the bonus as both host and client.
[ Armor ]
Blood Pact Set Bonus: Increased 1-PC from 12.5% to 15%
Blood Pact Set Bonus: Increased 2-PC from 25% to 30%
Blood Pact Set Bonus: Increased 3-PC from 40% to 50%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the changes to mod generation, we wanted to ensure that methods for generating mod power were enticing. The Ex-Cultist Armor received a boost to all its tiers which make it an incredibly exciting option, even at the highest levels.
[ Weapons ]
Assault Rifle
Increased magazine capacity from 28 to 32
Increased total capacity from 196 to 224
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Based on our own testing and community feedback, we’ve decided to give the Assault Rifle a small boost in its magazine capacity and total capacity.
Chicago Typewriter
Increased base damage from 11 to 12
Reduced reload speed by 6.5%
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Chicago Typewriter is excellent for spitting out bullets for an extended period but compared to the Beam Rifle (which recently received a capacity boost), it was falling off at higher levels. We increased the damage which has increased both the single-clip DPS and the full capacity DPS by a noticeable amount. This should make it a much more interesting choice.
Ricochet Rifle
Increased first bounce damage from 0.5 to 0.85
Reduced subsequent bounce modifier from 0.85 to 0.75
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Ricochet Rifle first bounce penalty felt a little too punishing to use in creative ways (like shooting around corners). We increased this considerably and reduced the subsequent bounce value to compensate. Overall, the Ricochet Rifle now does +60 total damage.
Butcher’s Flail
Reduced base damage from 68 to 60
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The Butcher’s Flail and the base Flail had identical base damage which meant the Butcher’s Flail was always superior due to the debuff. We reduced the damage slightly so that it still matches (and eventually exceeds) the base Flail damage output while the debuff is active.
[ Enemies ]
Barbed Terror
Reduced base HP by approximately 12%
Fixed an issue causing Barbed Terror to trigger the wrong hit-reaction state
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Barbed Terror has a ton of HP because he stands still, and the entire fight can be done with only weakspot damage. However, after feedback from the community, we decided to reduce his base HP just enough to make a noticeable difference in the length of the fight.
Fixed a few bug causing Lurkers to stop pathing
DEVELOPER COMMENT: In some cases, navigation mesh wasn’t being properly generated and it caused Lurkers to lose their way. In other cases, the pressure value of the Shield would prevent Lurkers from wanting to attack you. We fixed this as well!
Fixed bridge not showing up sometimes for clients
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Occasionally, the bridge to the Claviger fight would not appear for clients joining the battle. We identified some issues and took care of them.
[ Mods ]
Readjusted the buildup for all mods
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the overall change to how mod power was built, we went through every mod and adjusted their power requirement. For the most part, mods are placed into one of four categories: Low under (550), Medium (550), High (1100), and Unique (above 1100). The average of 550 requires 10 shots from a Hunting Rifle. High requires 20 shots. There are some outliers, especially boss weapons, which are based on the damage of their weapon’s primary fire.
Explosive Shot
Reduced Friendly Fire scalar from 0.25 to 0.15
DEVELOPER COMMENT: This should reduce the chance you kill yourself or your teammates.
Blink Token
Increased base damage from 140 to 210
Increased Power Requirement from 250 to 275
Reduced Total Charges from 5 to 3
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Blink Token damage was too low for our tastes, so we increased it by about 34% and adjusted the power requirement. Since it builds so quickly, we reduced the total charges to 3 to promote more of a blink, damage, blink, damage type of gameplay instead of using up all 5 at once.
Wildfire Shot
Reduced Power Requirement from 400 to 275
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Since Wildfire Shot adds 3 stacks all at once and then cannot stack any further, we reduced this to “Low” requirement, so you have quicker access to it and more frequent uses.
Seeker Beetle
Reduced Power Requirement from 350 to 275
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Seeker needed a bit of love so we reduced the power requirement.
Seed Caller
Reduced Power Requirement from 400 to 275
DEVELOPER COMMENT: A general change for both Seed Caller, Beckon, and Iron Sentinel. We moved them into “Low” requirement, so you have access to it more quickly.
Reduced Power Requirement from 350 to 275
DEVELOPER COMMENT: A general change for both Seed Caller, Beckon, and Iron Sentinel. We moved them into “Low” requirement, so you have access to it more quickly.
Unstable Quills
Increased Power Requirement from 350 to 550
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We think the strength of Unstable Quills is in a good spot, but the power requirement was a tad low. We moved it into the “Medium” category.
Iron Sentinel
Reduced Power Requirement from 750 to 550
Fixed a bug that prevented VFX/SFX from playing with Soul Ember equipped
DEVELOPER COMMENT: A general change for both Seed Caller, Beckon, and Iron Sentinel. We also moved Sentinel into “Medium” requirement, so you have access to it more quickly.
Corrosive Aura
Reduced Power Requirement from 650 to 550
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Due to the risk of getting in close, we wanted to make Corrosive Aura available more of the time, so we reduced it to “Medium” level.
Breath of the Dessert
Reduced Power Requirement from 550 to 420
Increased base damage of projectile from 25 to 30
DEVELOPER COMMENT: When mod generation was being affected by damage boosts, Breath of the Desert became easy to spam at higher levels. To balance it in previous versions, we reduced the damage and adjusted mod requirement. Since we’ve adjusted how mod power generates, we reduced the power requirement and increased the base damage.
Increased Power Requirement from 500 to 550
Fixed a bug causing Evocation to increase Damage Buff instead of just Burn Damage
DEVELOPER COMMENT: In the previous patch, Hotshot’s damage buff was being affected by the Evocation Trait. We fixed this issue and increased the buildup slightly to “Medium”.
Hunter’s Mark
Increased Power Requirement from 500 to 550
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The requirement was increased marginally to “Medium”.
Rift Walker
Reduced Cooldown from 20s to 15s
Reduced Power Requirement from 1500 to 1100
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We eased up on the cooldown and the power requirement.
Reduced Power Requirement from 1250 to 1100
Increased AOE damage from 10 to 15 per tick
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The AOE damage was lacking on Stormcaller so we increased it by 50%. This makes it a bit deadlier when dancing around mobs at close-range.
Howler’s Immunity
Increased Power Requirement from 750 to 1100
DEVELOPERS COMMENT: Howler’s Immunity is extremely good at reducing all incoming damage to you and your team. We moved this into the “High” category, so it requires a bit more buildup.
Increased Power Requirement from 750 to 1100
DEVELOPER COMMENT: One of the strongest mods in the game, we didn’t want to reduce any of its functionality so we simply put it into the “high” requirement category.
Song of Swords
Increased Power Requirement from 1000 to 1100
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Moving this into the “High” category by slightly increasing the requirement.
Flicker Cloak
Reduced Cooldown from 15s to 10s
Increased Power Requirement from 1000 to 1100
DEVELOPER COMMENT: With the mod generation fix, we reduced the cooldown on Flicker Cloak and increased the requirement slightly.
Veil of the Black Tear
Increased Min duration from 5s to 10s
Increased Max duration from 10s to 15s
Reduced Power Requirement from 1250 to 1100
DEVELOPER COMMENT: While Veil is incredibly powerful in a couple of fights, we felt that the duration at both low and high levels where a bit too short. We fixed the durations and reduced the power requirement to “High”.
Increased Power Requirement from 1000 to 1100
Fixed a bug that prevented VFX/SFX from playing with Soul Ember equipped
DEVELOPER COMMENT. A general bug fix along with a slight power requirement increase to put Rattleweed into the “High” requirement.
Mender’s Aura
Reduced Power Requirement from 1500 to 1650
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Mender’s Aura is a staple at many levels of play. We felt that “High” was still a bit too frequent, so we have it a “Unique” power requirement.
Banish (Repulsor)
Increased the duration of the post-banish debuff from 4s to 8s
Reduced Power Requirement from 400 to 200
Reduced Total Charges from 5 to 3
DEVELOPER COMMENT: The duration of the damage debuff of Banish felt too short to properly make use of it so we doubled it. This also applies to bosses, though they cannot be Banished. We also reduced the Power Requirement so that it only takes 2 shots to fill a charge. We also reduced the overall charges to compensate for the quicker buildup.
Spore Shot (Sporebloom)
Increased Power Requirement from 500 to 600
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Slightly increased the power requirement so that Spore Shot builds with 3 shots of Sporebloom.
Radioactive Volley (Defiler)
Increased Power Requirement from 250 to 205
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Reduced the power requirement so that Volley builds in 4 shots of Defiler.
Gravity Core (Particle Accelerator)
Reduced Power Requirement from 1500 to 1400
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Slightly reduced the power requirement so that Gravity Core builds with 4 full magazines of Particle Accelerator.
Undying (Ruin)
Reduced Power Requirement from 3000 to 2825
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Slightly reduced the power requirement so that Undying builds with 5 full magazines of Ruin.
Skewer (Devastator)
Reduced Power Requirement from 1000 to 640
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Reduced the power requirement so that Skewer builds in 4 shots of Devastator.
Hive Shot (Hive Cannon)
Reduced Power Requirement from 500 to 380
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Reduced the power requirement so that Hive Shot now fills with 1 full magazine of Hive Cannon.
Vampiric (Pride of the Iskal)
Reduced Power Requirement from 750 to 590
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Reduced power requirement so that Vampiric now fills with 1 full magazine of Pride of the Iskal.
Tentacle Shot (Curse of the Jungle God)
Increased Power Requirement from 400 to 450
Fixed a bug that prevented VFX/SFX from playing with Soul Ember equipped
DEVELOPER COMMENT: Slightly increased the power requirement so that Tentacle Shot now fills with 1 full magazine of Curse of the Jungle God.
Static Field Shot (Eye of the Storm)
Reduced Power Requirement from 350 to 320
Increased Large Explosion trigger range by 1m
DEVELOPER COMMENT: We wanted to make the alt-fire of Eye of the Storm more useful, so we reduced the requirement and increased the trigger range of the Large Explosion (triggered by 2 Overloaded Enemies near each other) by 1m.
[ Other ]
Art (General)
Fixed a handful of art-related bugs
Hardened Carapace (Crafting Material)
Fixed an issue that prevented players from picking up more than 1 at a time
Source: Steam