There are public test realms for the game Snowrunner, so-called PTR. On the PTR, new content and bug fixes are tested before being deployed to the live game.
Focus currently has the Snowrunner Update 6.0 on the PTR Aktiv, we want to show you the basic details of this update.
Snowrunner PTR Patch Notes 6.0
Please Note:
- Content with the [DLC] tag is only available to Season Pass owners.
- These patch notes are not final and will change before the patch is actually live.
Patch 6.0
- [DLC] Lake Kovd, a new map in the new Kola Peninsula Region
- [DLC] Mobile watchtower addon
- [DLC] New trucks to be found in Lake Kovd:
- TUZ 16 “Actaeon”
- Ford 750 4×4
- [DLC] New skin for the Tayga 6436
Other changes:
- Fixed bug when winch was automatically pulled without players input
- Number of fixes for achievements that some players did not receive despite meeting their requirements
- Added option to disable beacon lights via functions menu
- Updated cargo icons
- Available cargo is now displayed in a map pop-up
- Fixed missing fuel station icon on the Rift map
- Supported option to hide crane controls UI
- Added new main menu background and music theme
- Fixed a bug when a player traveled through a gateway while using the winch connected to an empty truck, the empty truck was not usable anymore
Source: Focus
Então e o grande problema da maioria dos gamers que não conseguiam sair de dentro da 1 garagem logo quase no início do jogo, ainda hoje não está corrigido.
Comprei a versão ultimate e, pensando que seria um grande jogo pois tem condições para tal mas tive que pedir o reembolso pois o game era injogavel. Quando estiver capaz, se alguma vez estiver, volto a comprar.