Focus Home Interactive and Saber Interactive released a new update for Snowrunner today. Below are the full patch notes for this patch on May 14th.
The Snowrunner Update 4.0 can now be downloaded and installed. With this update there are adjustments and bug fixes for the console version and the PC version.
Snowrunner Patch Notes 4.0
- Additional invitation and connection fixes
- Fixed: some players were not able to accept a co-op invitation after quitting the game during a co-op session
- Fixed: host blocked after a guest exits a game while host was changing map with a guest’s vehicle
- Main rendering crash fixed (PS4)
- Additional crash and freeze fixes
- Fixed headlights and brake lights issues
- Fixed a terrain issue in Smithville Dam
- Cargo duplication fix
- Fixed the main menu disappearing or being blocked when players tried to find a game
- Fixed some cases of trucks overlapping each other with no collision
- Fixed friends’ names not always displaying properly in friends list
- Numerous stability improvements
- Additional crash and freeze fixes
- Various rendering Fixes
- Localization fixes
WIP Known Issues:
These are issues we’re in the process of fixing, and should be fixed in the next update.
- Savedata – Trucks duplicate if savegame path contains non-latin letters and symbols
- Some players get a black screen when they open map (can cause save issue)
- Michigan dam duplicated/lost truck bug
- Missing and duplicating trucks after every loading in the solo mode
- As coop host, you can lose your truck if you quit the game during a gateway loading screen
- Coop – Player can fall under the ground
- (PS4 also) Tutorial – It’s possible to leave the garage before going to Alaska using the global map
Game never updated on ps4?
Please fix ps4, give us news when will the bugs be fixed, the trailors, the crashing blue screen? The rift map and this update when will it happen please be soon the game has been out for over a month. Ps4 needs update. When is it coming need more information.
New console update is available today 6/9/2020.
This update did absolutely nothing on PS4. Still crashing, no working headlights, taillights or caution lights on the truck itself. Vehicles and trailers disappearing. Make no mistake the gameplay is great and the visuals are beautiful. But the game must be fixed. It’s hard seeing all these videos with working mirrors and lights and not crashing 3 times an hour. You guys forgot the PS4 existed??
Until there’s an update to fix my other vehicles and cargo falling through my trailer and vehicles there’s no possible way for me to continue playing this game. (Even single player. If I can’t reload cargo that I’ve accidentally tipped off of my vehicle then what is the point in even having spent my money on a crane that is worthless?
Dude it’s becoming unplayable. The update was downright useless for ps4. It’s like they forgot it existed and never tested it properly before launch. The game looks beautiful and the gameplay is spot on. But I’m sick of seeing xbox and PC having none/very little of these issues. BTW your right cranes are completely useless. Need to change how they operate and get them involved more.